Xiaobu said 丨 Tangshan Airport will encrypt Tangshan = Changsha route!The country speaks!Strictly investigate and deal with such "white bars" behavior!

Author:Tangshan released Time:2022.07.03

Today is

July 3, 2022

Sunday (the fifth day of the lunar calendar)

Follow the small cloth

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Xiaobu said Tangshan affairs

On July 1, the Tangshan Public Resources Trading Center successfully completed the transfer of a state -owned construction land (second -class residential land) by online bidding. Tangshan First Real Estate Corporation successfully won the total price of 164,3170.62 million yuan. This is the first time the state -owned land use rights of Tangshan have realized the network shooting. (Source: Hebei Daily)

At present, the city has added two new pairs of high -speed rail trains to and from Shijiazhuang to restore the evening high -speed rail train to Shijiazhuang. (Click on the blue word to view details → increase the number of trains)

In the summer season, the rainfall weather increased. The traffic police department in our city specially sorted out the summary of the Yizhi water section, hoping that the general public will pay attention to traffic safety. (Click on the blue word to view details → important reminder)

From July 9th, Tangshan Sannu River Airport encrypted Tangshan = Changsha route on the basis of the original route. (Source: Tangshan Sannui River Airport)

On July 1, the No. 2 Tunnel of the Qin Duan East Village at the Qinqin Expressway was two -way. The tunnel was about 1.3 kilometers long. After 716 days of intense construction, the construction tasks were completed in advance. (Source: Hebei News Network)

Xiaobu said today

At 0-24:00 on July 2nd, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 75 new local diagnosis of new crown pneumonia, and 310 new local symptoms were added. (Source: National Health Commission)

At present, Xialiang acquisition is ongoing. The State Food and Material Reserve Bureau requires localities to optimize the acquisition process, enhance on -site services, and allow farmers to sell with peace of mind and comfortable food; innovate methods and methods, actively promote the "Internet+acquisition", and guide farmers to sell grain in order. Effectively strengthen the supervision and inspection of summer grain acquisition work, severely investigate and deal with the acting of pits and agriculture such as pits and "white bars", and maintain the order of the grain market. (Source: National Food and Material Reserve)

The executive meeting of the State Council recently held a measure of policy and development financial instruments to support major project construction. The person in charge of the relevant Division of the People's Bank of China said recently that the People's Bank of China supports the establishment of financial instruments in support of the State Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank of China, with a total scale of 300 billion yuan to solve the problem of difficulty in capitalization of major projects. (Source: Xinhua View Point)

The international oil price rebounded by 2.5%on July 1, and each barrel was closed near $ 110. The 13th round of domestic oil prices will be opened in mid-July. The statistical cycle of the oil price of this round of oil has been opened for 3 days. The current domestic crude oil change rate is -1.39%, the prediction will fall by 75 yuan/ton, and the conversion is 0.06-0.07 yuan/liter. On July 2nd, the previous three working days, the accumulated decrease of the forecast was 75 yuan/ton, and the conversion was 0.06-0.07 yuan/liter! The adjustment time is: 24:00 on July 12, 2022. (Source: Great Wall New Media)

Editor: Song Wei

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