Forty -eight Town, Guangxin District, Shangrao City, grab the development opportunities of the cashmeal industry to enrich the villagers "lotus bags"

Author:Shangrao Headline Time:2022.07.03

In Yewukeng Village, the most remote natural village in Beishan Village, Forty -eight Town, Guangxin District, Shangrao City, the long -established barren mountains have been covered by an oral cashmeal tree. On June 29, the reporter came to Beishan Village, Forty -eighth Town. On this categorian tea forest that was rooted in red earth, he saw the beautiful prospects of the development of the cash tea industry in Forty -eight Town.


Camellia (Figure 48 Town Picture)

The countryside must be revitalized, and the industry must revitalize. In recent years, the forty -eight towns have taken the industry's revitalization as the inherent power and main starting point of rural revitalization. They have used the advantages of high -speed rail towns to transport the development opportunities for the development of the Camellia industry and vigorously develop the "one village, one product" economy. "We were originally tea farmers, and have certain planting techniques and experience. After the expert survey of experts, I found that the idle mountains of Yewukeng Village are suitable places for camellia planting, and we will be more secure." Said.


Growing species of camellia tree (photo by Ye Feiying)

The planting area of ​​oleugin in Yewukeng Village is as high as more than 1,400 acres, mainly based on the high -quality high -quality categorian varieties such as Changlin No. 18, 53, No. 3, and 4. However, the completion of these camellia trees is indispensable for the help of Chen Longjun, a large household in the village. In 2020, Chen Longjun learned from Chen Jianguo that his hometown had the intention of developing the camellia industry. As soon as the two were shot, Chen Longjun immediately gave up his career for many years and returned to his hometown. "Camellia trees can be hung with fruit for 5 years, and the income of one acre is about 800 yuan to 1,000 yuan." Chen Longjun told reporters that the camellia tree also has the advantages of long results, drought resistance, and strong disease resistance, and high economic benefits.


Chen Jinxian (second from left) who returned home from the work of the work (photo by Ye Feiying)

Sitting at Yunqi Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. to plant high -yield oil tea forests with the model of "enterprise+base+village collective+farmers (poverty alleviation households)", which can not only develop the industry, but also drive the employment of surrounding residents and increase local residents' income.

"I have weeding on the categainstick on the mountain. I can get 120 yuan a day. It is not a problem to make tens of thousands of dollars in a year." At 10 am on the same day, the weather gradually became hot. Go down the mountain from the category, the first intersection is her home. It is close to home and high salary, so this job Chen Jinxian is two years. "Usually the boss also organizes everyone to learn some pruning and fertilizer skills. You need to learn three or four times a year. Sometimes you go to Fengcheng to study on the spot, and sometimes you learn from the Internet online."


Tea oil processing workshop framework is first appeared (photo by Ye Feiying)

Nowadays, under the careful care of the villagers, the cashmeal trees planted two years ago have grown to the height of the waist, which is getting closer and closer to the period of maturity. The tea oil processing workshop prepared by Beishan Village has also started. "The framework of the processing workshop has been built now, and it is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Camellia can be processed to sell products such as edible oil, cosmetics oil, etc., and increase sales and profits." Chen Jianguo said that industrial revitalization cannot rely on camellia, let alone stop oil tea. Essence

In the next step, forty -eight towns will also use its own "minimum high -speed rail base stations" to develop a tea -themed rural tourism line to create a "holiday Beishan". Through the development of rural tourism, it will drive the surrounding people to increase their income and become rich.

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