Sandu aquarium mass celebrate the festival

Author:Lingxiu Sandu Time:2022.07.03

On July 1, the aquariums in Jiuyi Town, Sandu County ushered in the annual festival. Everyone was dressed in festivals and gathered together to spend the festival.

On the morning of that day, the colorful festivals attracted many tourists to participate. In front of the villages of the water villages in Jiuyi Town, the aquariums set up blocking wine, aquarium girl dressing, wearing gold and silver, and a wonderful toasting song. Toasting for guests and welcome guests who come to the festival.

The Water River is called "borrowing", which means eating, and also known as "Eastern Valentine's Day", which is one of the most grand year of the aquarium. During the event, the ancestor and sacrifice rice field ceremony was the highlight of the festival. As the drum sounded, the ancestor sacrifice event officially started. The sacrifice table was placed on the sacrifice table. Grandarta is rich, everything is good.

The custom of sacrificing rice fields is mostly a sow, hens, female duck, fish, etc. as a supply. Women gathered around the rice fields to sing the water song of blessings; Began to chase sow, catch ducks, and pray for rice yield and rich life in this unique way.

"This time we brought 12 people. We came to do this activity for the first time. The purpose of our coming here is to shoot the customs of the festival activities, and we will prepare to develop the tour of the Sandu Aquarium in Guizhou later." Sichuan Dong Xinze, the person in charge of Lu Jian Culture Tourism Co., Ltd. said.

"I am from Sichuan, come here to play. I think everyone here is very enthusiastic. Today, I just caught up with the festival. It is very lively and festive. Wait for us to catch up with Po Po." Tourist Zhong Lingling said.

On Po Po, hundreds of aquatic women and water songs "Star Singer" have sang on the same stage "Sentence" and "Drunk Beauty Water Village" and other aquarium songs. The masses live the happiness of a better life; promote the party's policies and policies and celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party in a singing manner.

It is reported that the festival is still a festival that promotes the marriage of young men and women in the aquarium. The young men and women of the aquarium marriage are on the day of the festival to express their love for love songs. On the holiday day, there were also folk activities such as copper drum performances, original ecological song and dance performances, long table banquets, and bonfire party.

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