Xuzhou, Jiangsu Defining multiple medium and high risk areas

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.04

Xuzhou New Guanye Pneumonic Echizer Union Control Command issued a notice on July 3, 2022: In order to effectively block the spread of the epidemic and effectively protect the lives of the people's lives and health, the analysis and judgment of experts in the form of an epidemic is carried out.The joint defense and control command decided to designate high -risk areas and mid -risk areas in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (9th Edition)". The notice is as follows:

1. High -risk area

Quanshan District: Zhai Shan Street Binhu Royal Jingwan Building No. 9, Zhai Shan Street Southeast County Phase III, Zhai Shan Street Building 29 Building, Zhai Shan Street Building 38 Building, Emerald Road (North to Yaozhuang Road South SouthTo Xinxin Road) Along street shops and emerald city high -end kindergartens

Yunlong District: Da Guozhuang Street Ruyi Homeland

Tongshan District: Group 5 Group 5 of Liuquan Town

Second, mid -risk zone

Quanshan District: Zhaishan Street Emerald City, Zhai Shan Street Yujingwan Community, Southeast County, Zhai Shan Street

Yunlong District: Da Guozhuang Street Ruyi Community

Tongshan District: Lishan Village, Liuquan Town

(CCTV News Client)

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