Jiuquan Emergency Administration Bureau in -depth implementation of the spirit of the 14th Provincia

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.13

[Entrusted new journey to build a new era, study and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress]

Safe "Basic Display" Weaving Emergency Management "Safety Network"

Jiuquan Emergency Administration Bureau in -depth implementation of the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress

Since the 14th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress, the Jiuquan Emergency Administration has taken the spirit of study, propaganda, and the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the province as the primary political task. Emergency management "Security Network" to ensure that the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress has taken root in the emergency management system of our city.

The Party Committee of the Municipal Emergency Administration incorporates the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress into the important content of the theoretical learning center group, and quickly conveys the topics of the party committee and the central group learning meeting to communicate and learn, and guide all party members and cadres to deeply understand and accurately grasp the Provincial Party Association. The spiritual essence and core essence, strive to learn deep understanding, enter the mind. And based on reality, unify the ideas and actions into the scientific judgment of the current situation, unify the major decision -making deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, accurately grasp the work entry point, key points, and working methods and methods to further compact compacks Safety production, emergency management, disaster prevention and disaster relief responsibility, and strive to promote the city's emergency management work to a new level.

The Municipal Emergency Administration implements all aspects of the spirit of study, publicity, and implementing the spirit of the Fourteenth Party Council of the Provincial Party, and actively exerts the functions of the Office of the Municipal Safety Production Commission to take the lead and comprehensive coordination functions. Measures, Article 35 implementation opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, combined with the requirements of the Fourteenth Provincial Party Congress on the requirements of the emergency management deployment of safety production, drafted and formulated the "Jiuquan City to further strengthen the responsibility for safety production responsibilities to implement resolutely preventing and curbing production safety accidents Implementation Opinions, especially the responsibilities and duties of the responsibilities and functions of key industry supervision departments, the responsibilities of new formats, and new risk safety supervision, to ensure that all tasks are implemented.

In terms of strengthening supervision, the Municipal Emergency Administration has resolutely responsible for the political responsibility to prevent and resolve major safety risks, urge departments at all levels to suppress production safety responsibilities, strengthen regulatory law enforcement, continue to strengthen the three -year actions of special safety production, and the city's safety production is large. Investigate the advancement of great rectification. Timely scheduling and analyzing the safety production situation in key areas such as counties, cities, and hazardous chemicals, road transportation, and mines, combined with actual situations, proposed targeted safety precautions, and strive to target the key industries of key industries with accurate measures, and strive to curb all all each When an accident occurred, the unannounced visits and secret inspection teams were sent to adopt the "four nobility" methods to carry out inspection and inspection activities for various counties, cities, and some key industries, and flexibly used the "four letters" (reminder letter and assignment letter. , Supervise and urged letters) to assign hidden dangers to relevant units (departments), and regularly follow up and question results to achieve closed -loop rectification of hidden dangers. Comprehensively strengthen the duty -on duty, strictly implement leading cadres in the post -increasing class, guarding the positions on duty for 24 hours and information reporting systems, and to dispatch safety production and duty on duty to ensure that the entire system communication is unblocked and established. The emergency preparation group ensures that emergency response is efficient and orderly under emergencies.

In the next step, the Municipal Emergency Administration will closely focus on the spirit of the 14th provincial party congress, improve the standing, strengthen the responsibility, and better coordinate development and security. The pragmatic style has strived to create a new situation in the city's emergency management work, with high -efficiency and high -level security guarantee to ensure the high -quality development of the city's economy and society, and make new contributions to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party.

(All media reporter Zhou Ailing Correspondent Li Zongru)

Editor in charge: Wei Hailing

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