China releases 丨 treating people, and also to treat the world!In the future, medicine must shift from cure to the pursuit of group health

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.07.04

China Net, July 2 (Reporter Zhang Yanling) "Medicine is human learning and learning, and takes the health and life of the caregiver. The full life cycle is iterated. "At the 2022 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony held on the 30th of the Beijing Union Medical College, Academician Wang Chen, deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dean of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and president of Peking Union Medical College Essence

Wang Chen said that medicine is more academic, involving various types of knowledge and technologies of human beings, including three categories: natural science, social sciences, and humanities; medicine is also human learning. For personal clinical medicine and group medicine for humans and groups; comprehensive care for people to take care of people is related to people's ultimate interests. Human health.

What is a comprehensive care for people? Wang Chen said that it refers to the comprehensive, overall, and whole -process care of medicine. Doctors should shift from the attention of patients' single diseases to the attention of multi -disease, common disease and composite disease, from the attention of individuals to the attention of groups, humans, and ecology. It is iterative care for the full life cycle of human beings.

The definition of health in the WHO is that health is a physical and mental state, and a good social adaptability, that is, good physical health, mental health, and social adaptation. Wang Chen believes that the meaning of health should also include environmental friendship. Medical should pay attention to not only the health of human beings, but also the health of contemporary and Bandai human beings. This is the concept of large medicine, big health and great health.

Wang Chen pointed out that in the future, the medical and health cause will become the mainstream social cause, and the health industry will become the mainstream. Human beings will change the way to solve the health problems in the past, but to turn to the goal of pursuing the origin, that is, health. And this is exactly the cause of the association students. Wang Chen hopes that Xiehe graduates will achieve outstanding results in future positions.

"People in this life are nothing more than the words" life, old, sick, and dead ", and medicine is closely related to this." Special guest Bai Yansong hopes that the graduates of Concord will pay attention to incremental and stock, awe and border, love and compassion, Treatment of five groups of keywords for the treatment of people and the treatment of the world, modern medicine and China.

"One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of treatment." Bai Yansong told Xiehe graduates to work hard to be a "big doctor", to be awesome, think about the boundaries of disease treatment, what disease can be, and what diseases should not be clear. Patients must have compassion, and always prescribe the prescriptions for "hope" for patients, so that patients, families, and even humans will always see hope. While treating people, it is also necessary to treat society and the world.

"In the next 50 years, China will face a huge population of population stock. It is to live healthy and lively. How to make all Chinese people from getting sick, late disease, minor illness, and small illnesses will not be transformed into chronic diseases. You can also effectively control and live a healthy life. This is your responsibility in the next 50 years. "

Bai Yansong said that Chinese medicine in China may contain efforts to become oriental wisdom and Chinese solutions in modern medicine. It should be developed and enriched modern medicine. Looking forward to the development of modern medicine in the future, there are more Chinese creations and the monuments left by the Chinese.

Graduates from Beijing Union Medical College said that after graduation, they must use their lives as their faith, and use the sharp blades and courage given by Xiehe, with compassion and solid medical technical technologies to struggle for the medical health and health undertakings of the motherland.

It is understood that in 2022, 805 students from Peking Union Medical College were awarded doctoral degrees, 622 students were awarded a master's degree, and 141 students were awarded a bachelor's degree. Among them, 16 students were awarded the honorary title of "Beijing Union Medical College 2022 Excellent Graduate President Award", 78 students were awarded the honorary title of "Beijing Union 2022 Excellent Graduate", 159 students were awarded "Beijing Union Hehe The honorary title of the 2022 Excellent Graduate of the Medical College.

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