Baoding, Hebei: Urban Science and Industrial Park of the Economic Development Zone started construction

Author:Here is Baoding Time:2022.07.04

On the morning of July 3rd, the construction ceremony of the construction of the Baoding City Urban Science Industrial Park project in Hebei Province was held at the site of the Urban Science Industrial Park project. Liu Xiaopeng, Secretary of the Lianchi District Party Committee, announced the construction, and Zhang Chao, deputy secretary of the Lianchi District Party Committee and the district chief, delivered a speech.

Zhang Chao said that the project officially started, marking the project construction pressing the fast -entry key and entering the fast lane. We will be cherished, comprehensively emancipating our minds, benchmarking tables, with the best service, the highest efficiency, and the fastest speed to promote the early completion of the project, the early birth, and the early results. It is reported that the total investment of the Chengke Industrial Park is 542 million yuan, covering a total area of ​​59.4 acres, and a total construction area of ​​106,000 square meters. It is planned to build nine high -standard industrial plants, two office houses and related supporting facilities to create a garden with a reasonable layout, beautiful environment, and integrating production, services and leisure.

After the completion of the Urban Science and Industrial Park, it will become an important acceptance platform for the introduction of the leading industries such as automotive research and development, component manufacturing, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy. It will further accelerate the improvement and transformation and upgrading of the energy level of the park, and jointly help the construction of the "Southern Automobile City" with the upcoming science and technology parks and co -creation parks.

Zhang Xuefeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Lianchi District Party Committee and executive deputy district, Zhao Jianjun, deputy secretary of the party group of the former Lianchi District Government, and the secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Baoding Economic Development Zone attended the starting ceremony. (Baoding Lianchi Rong Media)

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