Jiangmen established the first intellectual property high -end think tank expert library

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.07.04

China Well -off News reporter Zhang Yurong on June 29, the first Chinese overseas Chinese capital (Jiangmen) intellectual property high -end think tank summit was held. Ma Xianmin, deputy secretary of the Party Group of the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau), Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Intellectual Property Protection Center, and Wu Xiaohui, deputy secretary of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee and mayor, attended the event and delivered a speech. The patent review and collaboration of the Patent Bureau of the National Intellectual Property Office, Dong Yan, secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Guangdong Center, Qiu Yanwen, deputy director, and Xie Hong, deputy director of the Provincial Intellectual Property Protection Center, participated in the event.

The first China Overseas Chinese Capital (Jiangmen) Intellectual Property High -end Think Tank Summit was held, and the second Jiangmen City High -value Patent Cultivation and Layout Competition was launched in 2022.

At the event, Jiangmen City established an intellectual property high -end think tank expert library and officially launched the second Jiangmen City High -value Patent Cultivation Layout Competition. The Jiangmen Municipal People's Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Patent Review and Cooperation of the Patent Bureau of the State Intellectual Property Office of the Patent Bureau of the State Intellectual Property Office; the Jiangmen Market Supervision and Administration Bureau signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court and the Jiangmen Intermediate People's Court. ; Jiangmen Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Guangxi Intellectual Property Development Research Center, and Guangdong Zhongce Intellectual Property Research Institute signed a cooperation agreement for RCEP intellectual property work. The theme forum of "Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection Protection and Stimulation of Industrial Innovation" was also held at the scene.

It is reported that the first Jiangmen Intellectual Property High -end Think Tank Expert Library was Wu Handong, former president of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Qiu Yanwen, Deputy Director of the Patent Agency of the Patent Bureau of the State Intellectual Property Office, Xie Hong Han Xiucheng, former director of the Intellectual Property Development Research Center of the Property Rights Bureau, Ma Yide, a second -level professor and doctoral instructor of the School of Public Policy and Management of the University of China (School of Intellectual Property), and Ma Yide, a doctoral supervisor, and Guan Yonghong, President of the Intellectual Property Law Research Association of the Guangdong Provincial Law Society The composition of experts will gather for Jiangmen's scientific and technological innovation and intellectual property development.

The Jiangmen Municipal People's Government and the Patent Agency of Patent Bureau of the State Intellectual Property Office signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Guangdong Center.

In recent years, Jiangmen City has taken the pilot cities of the construction of strong intellectual property cities as the starting point to continue to promote the development of intellectual property. The service office "Jiangmen model and upgraded to the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court Tour Trial Court. On the day of the event, the province's first intellectual property administrative mediation judicial confirmation cooperation framework agreement was also issued and issued the first province's first intellectual property administrative mediation and judicial confirmation of judicial confirmation. Setting the work opinions to accelerate the formation of the city's intellectual property protection pattern. According to statistics, last year, Jiangmen's invention patent authorization increased by more than 54%year -on -year, and the stock of high -tech enterprises exceeded 2,100.

Last year, Jiangmen City successfully held the nation's first prefecture -level city -level high -value patent cultivation and layout contest. It was found and screen out a number of innovative projects with leading technological leadership, large market potential, and obvious patent value advantages. Value patent cultivation layout. The second "Jiang Gao" held this year will continue to establish a high -value patent cultivation layout and the benchmark for landing, and become a new momentum for the high -quality development of the intellectual property industry in Jiangmen.

Edit: Mai Wanhua

Author: Zhang Yurong

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