Heilongjiang Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department: If you encounter "Black Intermediary" and false recruitment, please complain immediately

Author:Life newspaper Time:2022.07.04

Daily News · Life Daily reporter learned from the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Heilongjiang Province that the department's letter to the 2022 college graduates of the province: the provincial human -social department has been closely followed up your employment and entrepreneurship, and will do everything possible. Provide multi -channel and comprehensive public employment services to help you set sail in the workplace.

Free job information such as job information and other employment services

You can go to the hall of the local public employment talent service agency (please scan the QR code in the province's public employment service agency) or log in to the job registration applet (click "Read the full text" direct link address) to conduct job registration and unemployment registration , Free public employment services such as job information, occupational guidance, vocational training.

You can apply for entrepreneurial subsidies for entrepreneurial entrepreneurship

You can participate in entrepreneurial training to improve entrepreneurial capabilities; you can apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans and discounts, tax discounts, entrepreneurial subsidies and other policies to reduce the pressure of entrepreneurship; you can also apply to settle in the entrepreneurial incubation base to obtain support for opening guidance, project promotion, incubation services. Human Resources and Social Security Department will also host activities such as a series of entrepreneurial innovation competitions to build a platform for you to display, transform results, and financing docking for you.

Sign a labor contract with the employer in time

Please sign a labor contract with the employer in time, follow up the payment of social insurance, confirm the whereabouts of the file transfer, and go through the procedures such as the transfer of hukou migration and the transfer of party group organizations within the prescribed time. You can also apply for policy support such as social insurance subsidies, attracting employment subsidies, and expansion subsidies. Those who realize flexible employment can participate in social insurance as flexible employees and apply for social insurance subsidies. Among them, those who participate in basic endowment insurance for employees can flexibly choose the payment base and payment time.

There are special difficulties to get pairing assistance, etc.

For friends who have special difficulties such as poverty alleviation families, subsistence allowance families, zero employment families, and unable employment graduates who have disabled, long -term employment and other special difficulties, please do not worry about it. We will carry out pairing assistance and employment assistance to recommend it for you Jobs and services to help you achieve your dream of life.

In case of "black intermediary", false recruitment, please complain immediately to report

Please cherish valuable time, use this time to refuel charging, carefully plan your career, actively participate in social practice and employment trainees, and accumulate work experience for your long -term development. At present, our province is carrying out activities such as the "Million Employment Trainee Position" and "Youth Vocational Skills Training Plan", which can help improve the level of skills and accumulate practical experience. Welcome to register for students with willingness.

The Provincial People's Social Security Department specially reminds everyone that participating in offline recruitment should do a good job of epidemic protection, safe and orderly application. You also need to polish your eyes and raise your vigilance. In case of "black agencies", false recruitment, chaos, employment discrimination, and credit traps in the name of job search, employment, entrepreneurship, and illegal criminal activities such as MLM, fraud, please immediately complain to human resources and social security and other departments.

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Last News · Life Daily Reporter: Lu Xiaoyan

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