Daqing "Flower Economy" is currently red

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.07.04

"Chi Ri Jiangshan Li, spring breeze flowers and plants."

Recently, when you open the circle of friends, you will find that a significant feature is that everyone is visiting the "Flower World", taking a selfie with a flower in the same frame, and "flowers and faces are reflected" everywhere.

The flower viewing has become a major event for many citizens to come to the far away.

A beautiful flower is leverage the "beautiful economy" of Daqing tourism, attracting tourists.

The flowers and swimming flowers are hot, and the "flower economy" has a significant growth rate. With flowers as the media, how to better allow the "flower economy" to play the "beautiful effect" to help rural revitalization? In this regard, the reporter visited.

Paeonia lactiflora in Bayaizi Township, Datong District

There are many "tricks"

Formed Daqing's "kaleidoscope"

At less than 6 o'clock on June 18, Wang Hua and his wife who lived in the seven districts of Dongfeng New Village, Daqing City stood neatly downstairs, waiting for his son to pick them up to Datong Bayi to see the peony flowers.

At the same time, the citizen Meng Yutong brought his parents, wife and 3 -year -old son to Times Square, sitting on a bus to Zhaoyuan, and opening a day trip to "Rose to Rose+Mulberry+Eating River Fish".

In fact, since the first peach blossoms in the greenhouse during the Spring Festival bloom on the branches, Daqing people have opened the "flower viewing tour".

Open Daqing's "Mall Wagger", to talk about flowers, there are a lot of "tricks" in Daqing: in February, you can go to the "shed room" to see Duowu peach blossoms, and in April, you can go to the Dock Dor Mount. The rose and oilfield carbon neutral garden in the north of the Pay -punch Kaibaibaidu, went to the Batui Zizi Paeona Laosa Laosa in Batai, Datong District in June. 500 acres of stunning time in the lotus lotus ...

Just in the past Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Hui, the citizen of Daqing City, brought his 80 -year -old parents to the carbon neutral and ecological park in Daqing Oilfield in Maanshan.

Daqing Oilfield Carbon neutral and ecological garden Chi Sakura Sea

Re -traveling, strolling in the cherry blossom sea, walking on the banks of Ma'anshu ... The beautiful scenery surrounded by green trees, flower fields and ponds make the family linger.

Daqing's Zhizhi cherry blossoms opened two seasons a year, in May and June and August and September in autumn. The carbon exchange, energy saving and emission reduction, leisure and sightseeing in forest carbon exchange, energy conservation and emission reduction, leisure and sightseeing, and more than 40,000 tourists were received during the trial operation.

Every year at the end of April and early May, Mount Dok Dor is a place where riders Wang Kai will arrive.

Mount Dokol, located in Jiangwan Township, Durbert County. The mountain is not high, and the altitude is only 189 meters, but it is the highest mountain in Daqing.

There are no strange peaks on the mountain, but there are wild apricot trees. When the flowers bloom, the wind blows, the tree dances, the flowers fly. Being in it, like a fairyland. The apricot flower period is extremely short, only a few days a year. Those who miss the flowering period, eighty -nine. Even so, people are still willing to do "idiot" every year.

Peony Chengchun pet, He Zengxian Peony. As the fourth year of Futian Datong Flower Festival opened in the thousand acres of peony flower bases in Bajingzi Township, with the impression of the "Flower Sea Field Resort" in Baijingzi Township, the costume of the "Flower Sea Field Resort" was opened, and the peony flower became the "C -bit of the flower season in June. " "Go, go to Datong to see Piaoyao Flowers" has become a weekend agreement for many citizens.

Huaxing Brigade

Drive the revitalization of the countryside

In recent years, Daqing has vigorously implemented the strategy of tourism development in the whole region. Datong, Zhaoyuan and other places have insisted on using flowers as media to create a "flower viewing economy" that integrates ornamental, ecological leisure, picking experience and farming culture. Good road for rural rejuvenation.

"Flowers represent beautiful things. When we see flowers, the first thing we think of is the sun, youth, and happiness. We use flowers as a medium, which is easily recognized and welcomed by the public, so as to drive the tour of the entire scenic area to travel through the flowers. "Said Zhou Tianwei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Bajingzi Township.

The beautiful flowers not only make the scenic spot famous. When tourists follow, they also drive the rapid development of rural tourism around the surrounding area, allowing the local people to bring "golden rice bowls" at the door of the house.

There are many "farmhouses" near the Datong Bayi Zi Pei Flower Base, and the business during the holidays is quite popular. Tourists who enjoy flowers not only like to taste local food, they will also take away local agricultural special products when leaving, such as Hadaizi Xiaom stupid chicken, Linyuan Da pancake, Shuang elm Xiaomi, Zhu Sanxiang seedless watermelon ...

In recent years, Datong District has deepened the integration of "multi -formats" and accelerated the release of the multiplication effect. Supported by green sightseeing agriculture, explore new formats, and organize a series of activities such as mountain bicycle races, half marathon events, flowers and fruit festivals, picking festivals, tent festivals, etc., integrate functional modules such as catering, entertainment, and local production groups. , Extend the industrial service chain, gather "popularity" for rural tourism, bring "wealth", and draw a new picture of rural revitalization.

In Zhaoyuan Heping Township Saihuadu Flower Planting Professional Cooperative Greenhouse, the gorgeous rose fresh cut flowers are in the flowering period.

Taking photos in the flower field and picking flowers under the guidance of a horticultural master ... Li Yan'e, who has been happy, has already appreciated flowers in the third year. She held a large basket of flowers in her hand and told reporters that the flowers here are very long, and they can open for half a month, and the taste is very fragrant. From January to June, I come to Zhaoyuan to see flowers and buy flowers.

Heping Township, not only the well -known roses, but also a millennium ancient elm "Jade Emperor". This ancient and huge elm tree has survived in the Songhua River Basin for 900 years.

After watching flowers and appreciation, how can Zhaoyuan's Jiangyu miss? At the end of the tour, many tourists will buy a few Zhaoyuan river fish just to bring back to share this unique deliciousness with their families. Agricultural tourism has always been an important part of the tourism industry in Daqing. Through agricultural tourism, citizens can experience the beautiful rural scenery without being out of the market. The industrial pattern of "promoting tourism and traveling with farmers" has driven farmers to increase their income and become rich, and help rural revitalization.

Citizens take pictures in Huatian

Breakthrough constraint

Extend the "Flower Economy" industry chain

"Flower economy" is relatively difficult to extend in the industry because of the short stay of flowers.

"Over the years, the flowering tour is becoming more and more popular, but the development of 'flower economy' is still at the level of sightseeing, exposing problems such as single content and extensive operations." Fan Haibo, vice chairman of the Daqing Economic Society, bluntly said that although some scenic spots are created The attraction of flower viewing themes, but there are not many types of flowers, the deepening of flower viewing culture, and derivative products. At present, the format is still extensive. There is no targeted large project and leading product support.

In order to extend the economic industry chain of flowers, some places and scenic spots are acting.

This year, Bayaizi Township invested 1 million yuan to upgrade the peony Huahai Sea, and to build 20 theme landscapes such as the first branch of Pei Ayuki, the Internet celebrity autumn tree, flower fairy, etc. 27.

Zhou Tianwei told reporters: "Paeonia Laohuahai is really beautiful, but lacks some experience elements. This year we built some attractions and landscapes. It has an hour and a half from entrance to export tour, 521 meters in length. People go from the pattern to their lives. "

Linyuan Town Nordic Rural Natural Education and Training Base was once a seedling base for the Hongqi Forest Farm. There are forest wooden houses and peony flower fields. Not only can you camping and picnic here, the pastoral cafes, catering areas, organic orchards, RVs and self -driving camps, wedding lawns, etc.

There is a lot of seasonal limitations in viewing flowers. How can we make the flower economy longer? In this regard, the reporter interviewed Han Guanghe, a professor at the School of Economics and Management and Strategic Management Expert of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Reclamation University. He said: "If you want the" flower economy "for a long time, you must jump out of the seasonal constraints of 'flower economy'."

Han Guanghe said that now, there are homogeneous problems with flowers in many places. Many of them are because everyone puts its focus on the scale, and in the final analysis, it is just a flower. The key to extending the "flower economy" is to develop vertical, such as combining with culture, combination with fashion, combining with life, combining with spring farming and food, and doing "flower articles" to allow the original "one tour here" Tour, transform into leisure tour, research tour, and experience tour, drive more villagers to increase their income and employment, and truly form a "flower economy".

Source: Lottery News

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