Sucheng District held the eight models of civilization creation action promotion meeting of the city management system

Author:China Yingcai Ban Monthly Mont Time:2022.07.04

Recently, Sucheng District held a promotion meeting for the "Eight models" civilization creation operations of the urban management system. Zhu Xiang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Urban Administration of Sucheng District, Dong Ting, deputy director of the District Civilization Office, Gu Haitao, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Bureau The person in charge of the special class, the person in charge of the large (middle) team, the heads of the towns, streets, and parks attended the meeting.

Zhu Xiang emphasized:

Pay close attention to the rectification of the city for order

Adhere to the problem -oriented, start from the weak links, increase the improvement of the cities and order rectification of urban areas, towns and districts, and centralize the phenomenon of dirty and messy phenomena such as disorderly vehicles, off -store operations, disorderly piles, house damage, illegal advertisements, etc. to ensure that ensuring The city -capacity environment has been further improved and improved.

Consolidation of sanitation integrated results

Carry out special actions of "clean cities", implement sanitation refinement, long -term cleaning, and comprehensively strengthen the uninterrupted cleanliness of "garbage" areas such as sidewalks, green belts, and bus platforms.

New model of innovation community management

Strict implementation of the long -term construction of civilized cities on the establishment of the establishment of residential communities, comprehensively promote the new model of "party building lead+property empowerment+comprehensive law enforcement" community governance model, and achieve the healthy interaction of community governance, property management, and residential autonomy with party building.

Deepen the "junk revolution" and "toilet revolution"

Regularly supervise and inspect public toilet management and facilities maintenance, strengthen the all -weather dynamic cleanliness of environmental sanitation inside and outside the public toilet, and truly achieve "small toilets, big people's livelihood", so that the people can be facilitated.

Dong Ting, deputy director of the District Civilization Office, interprets the "Handbook for Favorites Creation of the National Civilization model City", and requires one to recognize the situation and clarify the goal; the second must recognize the shortcomings and focus on the rectification of the problem; Breakthrough in fine management, deepen urban cleaning operations, build a model for urban management governance, and contribute urban management forces to the "eight models of models" in the city area.

Gu Haitao, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director, chaired the meeting

The person in charge of the town, streets, and parks exchanged speeches

(Manuscript Source: "China British Cai" half -monthly author author: Song Zhe)

【Responsible editor Li Yuan】

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