Yuanyang County focuses on safe production and helps the business environment optimization

Author:Henan Business Daily Xinxiang Time:2022.07.04

Top News · Henan Business Daily reporter Song Hongsheng intern Jin Ping correspondent Sun Haiyang

Safety production is related to the safety of the lives and property of the people, the overall situation of economic development and social stability, and the good and bad of the business environment. Since this year, the Yuanyang County Emergency Administration has used the service project as the starting point to do "subtraction" in the process of work, to optimize the service "plus method", and to do "multiplication" in style construction, and to improve the enterprise in all aspects The sense of gain, happiness, and security make security the best quality business environment.

For the new project project, Yuanyang County involved in the service in advance, and informed the list of requests at one time; for the high -risk fields of hazardous chemicals, new, renovated, and expanded projects, and the provincial experts guided enterprises to guide enterprises Project construction to ensure that the safety facilities of enterprise projects are "one -time" in place, and help the project "safely".

In recent years, Yuanyang County has adhered to simplified administration and decentralization as an important part of optimizing the business environment, and all administrative licenses and filing matters unified in the process of administrative approval standards, statutory acceptance conditions and standards for handling, and publicized to the society; promote the "not seeing the meeting without meeting each other. The approval "service, the filing matters can be" ordered ", which can truly allow the enterprise to" run at most once "or even" not run ".

In the context of the normalization of the epidemic prevention and control, how can the production and operation units face the pressure of the prevention and control of the epidemic and production safety. How can the safety production be guaranteed? Yuanyang County invited experts to come to the door. In response to the new situation facing, the county's emergency administration bureau innovated law enforcement and service methods, organized provincial chemical experts to "consult", on -site on -site guidance services, and used the production and use of eight dangerous chemicals in the county. The enterprise carried out hidden danger investigation and guidance work, and a total of 203 hidden dangers were found, and all of them have been completed.

At the same time, the county firmly grasps the "scale" of production safety punishment. In addition to involving major safety production problems, slight violations of laws and regulations that are minor, timely correction, and no harmful consequences are strictly implemented. The "Punishment List" adheres to education rectification to the Lord, helps enterprises prevent and correct errors in time, feel "temperature law enforcement", minimize the impact of administrative law enforcement on the production and operation of enterprises, and effectively protect and stimulate the vitality of the market entity.

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