Liulin County's "six measures" actively promote the multiplier project of the market subject

Author:Luliang Daily Time:2022.07.04

Original title: Stimulate the vitality of the market subject to promote the "six measures" of the market subject, the "six measures" of Liulin County actively promoted the multiplier project of the market subject

(Reporter Gao Qian) Since the development of the market subject, Liu Lin County has adopted six work measures to go hand in hand, pressing the market entity to cultivate and develop the "fast -forward key", and promote the preservation of market entities Quality has achieved obvious stages. Up to now, 3590 households have been increasing, with a completion rate of 87%.

Strengthen organizational leadership and build a work pattern of universal management. The county follows the pace of provinces and cities, and has successively held the market subject multiplication work deployment meeting, promotion meeting, implementation meeting, and dispatch meeting. The plan, comprehensively arranging the various tasks of market players, forming a work pattern of major leaders and their own duties, and their duties of their duties, and they are working together.

Compact responsibilities to people and implement the main task of market body. Implementing this task is not a single combat, and needs to give full play to the advantages of the department and coordinate the resources of all parties. The county sent the development tasks of individual industrial and commercial households to more than 200 cadres and employees, and sent it to 5 law enforcement teams and 18 squadrons under the collective tasks. The atmosphere of everyone's learning business, everyone understands the process, and everyone can get started. The method of handling has also taken the initiative to take the initiative from "guarding the rabbit" in the lobby, which is convenient and efficient. The daily summary and publicity of the task, the weekly scheduling, the monthly notification, and the quarterly assessment, the responsibility is completely compressed.

Optimize the access environment and continue to improve the effectiveness of government service. By promoting the approval mode of "full online office" and "informing commitments", measures such as "one -time notification" and on -site staff help the agency, and the registration system of the names of the individual households is approved The system is approved by the system automatic approval, no manual intervention is performed, improving the convenience of access to camp, and deepening the reform of "one address and multiple photos" and "one photo and multiple address" to relax the restrictions on operating venues. There is no license and unlicensed behavior of personal health, no major safety hazards, etc., actively guide the application of relevant certificates, promote a flexible law enforcement system, and promote market entity increase.

Strengthen credit supervision and effectively drive the construction of the integrity system. Promote the supervision of corporate credit classification, simplify the credit repair process, help enterprises restore normal operating status as soon as possible, and further improve the credit repair system. In the field of market supervision, "dual random, one open" supervision, promote the supervision of corporate credit risk classification, minimize market interference of market entities, maintain the market operating environment, help individual industrial and commercial households with peace of mind, light forward, multiply, increase and develop development Essence At the same time, in combination with the multiplier project of the market, urge market entities to complete the annual report publicity on schedule and achieve orderly operation.

Do practical burden assistance to stimulate the development of the individual economy. The county organizes relevant departments to vigorously promote tax cuts and fees, actively publicize financial discounts and implement tax reduction policies to market entities such as individual industrial and commercial households, deepen cooperation with the county postal sale bank and Rural Commercial Bank, and carry out merchant information sharing. Strive to achieve 100 million yuan in inclusive small and micro loans in 2025, and the urban and rural coverage rate reached 100%. Actively guide college graduates, return home to entrepreneurship migrant workers and other special groups, register for market entities, provide them with special consulting services in policies, consulting, and financing. Cultivation of households. Practice typical guidance, take individual industrial and commercial households with large business scale or better development prospects as the key assistance objects, do a good job of service and assistance, encourage the implementation of "individual transfer enterprises", and support individual merchants to upgrade.

Fair escort competition and continue to optimize the business environment. Solving difficulties in individual industrial and commercial households in a timely manner, resolutely investigating and dealing with the problems of charging charges, dispatch, and fines of fines, strictly implement the system of fair competition review, investigate and deal with price violations and charges in accordance with the law, ensure that individual industrial and commercial households participate in market competition equally, increase their efforts to increase their efforts Continue to optimize the business environment and promote high -quality economic development.

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