Help torture!The Ministry of Public Security announced more than 5,000 free blood collection points in the country, and 16 Wuhan

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.04

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 4th (Reporter Dai Yiyang) Recently, the Ministry of Public Security announced more than 5,000 free blood collection information information across the country, further facilitating the masses' timely picking up blood collection in time, helping the abducted family to achieve reunion as soon as possible, of which Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Hubei Province There are 16.

16 free blood collection information in Wuhan. Screenshot of Ping An Hubei

In recent years, in order to severely crack down on trafficking crimes in accordance with the law and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, public security organs in various places have set up more than 3,000 free blood collection points, and publish addresses and contact numbers to the society. The role has helped a large number of discrete families achieve reunion.

In March of this year, the Ministry of Public Security will be deployed with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the National Health and Health Commission, and the National Women's Federation to organize a new round of special actions to crack down on women and children in women and children. In order to discover the clues of trafficking crime in time, and the maximum convenience of those who seeks relatives, the nearest blood collection, the Ministry of Public Security announced on the basis of previously announced the free blood collection point, and increased the number of free blood collection points to more than 5,000 by combing and summarizing and concentrated resources. The species platforms are concentrated on related information, further expanding the free blood collection point coverage, and providing strong support for the promotion of special actions in depth.

In the national free blood collection point information announced this time, the criminal investigation brigade of the 16 district public security bureaus in Wuhan City, Hubei Province has free blood collection points, and announced the address of the free blood collection point, the relevant responsible police and the contact number.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security, the free blood collection work is not restricted by the household registration area. Please, the parents and children of the abducted women who have not yet collected blood, are suspected of being abducted and unsightly personnel.

At the same time, Alipay, WeChat, and QQ have set up convenient search for relatives. Persons with blood collection can enter "finding relatives" in the above -mentioned search bar, and you can check the recent free blood collection address of the public security organ in the search results and the number of police contact telephone number. Essence

The two -dimensional codes for free blood collection points in the country announced by the Ministry of Public Security.

【Edit: Ding】

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