The first anniversary exchange activity of the Xing'an League Jingmeng Association team was hel

Author:Wuyi Rong Media Time:2022.06.13

Since May 23, 2021, 19 hanging cadres from the four districts of Dongcheng, Haidian, Fengtai, and Fangshan in Beijing brought the entrustment of the organization and came to the five flag counties and cities of Xing'an League with the dream of revitalizing the countryside. Live a fulfilling year in the hard work. In June 2022, Daxing Aneling faded off the coat wrapped in silver, and replaced it with hope full of green. At the time of the Dragon Boat Festival, the cadres did not return to Beijing to celebrate the festival, but gathered in Alishan to summarize the work experience of the Beijing -Meng Mongolia cooperation. Carry out the theme party day activities of "Do not forget the original heart", unify thinking, accumulate strength, and then go to the journey.

Reverse the vow to live up to the mission

On the border of Alishan, the job team visited the boundary monument, the scene reproduced the promenade, and the Gao Shan sentry post.

Standing in front of the country, the team's duty team was solemnly swears, a strong vow, the fists raised one by one, and a firm and persistent face. Over the past year, they have always kept in mind the responsibility mission, and they have the courage to take responsibility for the effective connection of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural rejuvenation.

Learn the British model to draw power

In front of the Triangle Mountain outpost, a camphor pine was grown, and the officers and soldiers named it "Acacia Tree", which witnessed the heroic deeds of the Bianguan soldiers. Under the acacia tree, the duty soldiers emotionally told a real story to the cadres. In the early summer of 1984, the then company commander Li Xiangen led the team to patrol and encountered mountain floods. In order to rescue the comrades, Li Xiangen was rolled away by the turbulent water flow of the Haraha River. His wife Guo Fengrong planted the next camphor pine next to the post. Every year in the future, she will take her child to the post to sacrifice her husband. Before she died of illness in 2010, she deliberately asked her child to sprinkle her ashes in the Halaha River and accompany her husband to keep the border. After listening to this story, the cadre of the job sounded warm applause. The spiritual infection of the British model and inspiring everyone's minds, making everyone full of power, and turning the thoughts of the distant relatives into the actual action of promoting Beijing -Mongolia Cooperation to help rural revitalization.

Hope to grow together

In the co -commemorative forest in Alishan Jingmeng, every cadre of the job has planted a saplings that symbolizes hope and growth, entrusting the dream of serving the motherland and revitalizing the frontiers. Everyone said that, like the upright spruce, holding this dream, put root in the soil of Xing'an League Town, Village, and Gacha, withstand the baptism of wind and rain, and continuously hone themselves in the practice of rural work, and The seedlings grow together to grow together, together with the cadres and masses of the aid land, work together for the high -quality development of Xing'an League and the well -being of the people, and leave the footprint of no regrets in the new journey of rural revitalization.

Summarize experience to move forward

After the party day event, the job team held a symposium on the work of Xing'an League Jingmeng Association. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the Xing'an League of Jingmeng, Sun Changyong, member of the Standing Committee of the Alishan Municipal Party Committee, and the deputy mayor of the government. Symposium speech. The representatives of cadres, talents, and enterprise representatives of each flag county and cities spoke on the highlights of Jingmeng collaboration and advanced typical experience, and discussed the job gains and experiences of the work over the past year.

Yang Junchang pointed out that in the past year, everyone has taken the initiative to integrate, give up, benchmark the assessment of the national development, based on local development positioning, give full play to the advantages of professional expertise and resource, and practice the duties and missions of Beijing -hanging cadres through the work of Beijing and Mongolia. With friendship, it has won affirmation of local departments and dispatched units.

"One Xing'an League, a lifetime of Xing'an League", hoping to further consolidate the intelligence power through this group building activity, reorganize and set off again, cherish the rare time for a year, evaluate the national assessment at the end of this year, and the benchmarking Beijing 2023 Beijing The Municipal Party and Government delegation went to Xing'an League to review the good opportunities of the work of Beijing and Mongolia, actively thinking, innovating practice, focusing on focus, creating highlights, maximum exercise and improvement, to the greatest extent, showing the new image of the capital of Beijing in Beijing. Do not humiliate the mission, hand over the east -west collaboration answer sheet.

After the symposium, the team and his party also went to Alishan Jingmeng to coordinate the Tianchi Town tourist camping base, Wuchagou town fungus breeding base, and the rural revitalization demonstration village project of Xikou Village, Mingshui Town to observe and exchanges. Through communication activities, comrades narrate friendship, share experiences, broaden their ideas, inspire each other, and clarify their ideas for better serving rural revitalization and high -quality development of Xing'an League. "The confidence and courage of actual work and responsibility. In the next year, the team will continue to make new and greater contributions to the work of the temporary party committee and party branch, with the sense of urgency of the day and night, work hard, work hard to make new and greater contributions to Jingmeng's cooperation.

Edit: Geng Xu He Hao Yue Review: Sun Changyong

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