Ministry of Transport: Regional passenger services that have not occurred in the area of local epidemic running normally

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.04

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 4th. According to the website of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Passenger Field Station and Transportation Division of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Extractional Prevention and Control Guidelines (Eighth Edition)". , Further clarify that the regional passenger service that has not occurred in the local epidemic is fully operated, and the personnel of low -risk areas and the city where the land border port is located cross -city passengers to check 48 -hour nucleic acid detection negative proof, suspend high risk zone and operation services in the mid -risk zone Wait.

Specifically, the "Guide" pointed out that no local epidemic areas must do a good job of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of normalization, ensuring the comprehensive and normal operation of related services such as passengers. The passenger stations and transportation tools are cleaned and disinfected once a day, and ventilated at 2 to 3 times. The passenger stations set the "one -meter line" logo in accordance with regulations, and organize passengers to queue in an orderly manner to avoid gathering; serve high -risk personnel and other public staff to avoid cross -operation.

At the same time, passengers wear masks, measure the body temperature and check the health code according to regulations; staff wearing masks, carry out health monitoring daily, vaccine "should be connected"; road passenger, urban public steam tram, urban rail transit, taxis, waterway, waterway, waterway, waterway, waterway, waterway, waterway Passenger transportation services and other fields of transportation services have conducted twice nucleic acid testing twice a week.

In addition, road passenger transportation, urban public vapor tram, urban rail transit, taxi, waterway passenger transportation and other fields, which belong to the scope of key places in the epidemic prevention and control, formulate emergency response plans for epidemic conditions, and organize at least once a year. Cross -city passengers in the city where the land border port is located for 48 -hour nucleic acid test negative proof.

According to the "Guide", the county -level administrative districts that have appeared in the disease should strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, and suspend related services such as passenger transport in high and medium -risk zones. The low -risk zone controls the passenger rate in accordance with regulations to increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection; cross -city travel passengers check 48 hours of nucleic acid detection negative proof and register passenger information.

The "Guide" also pointed out that in terms of strict contact and control management of close contacts and immigration personnel, the transfer of vehicles will be disinfected at the end of each transshipment. The cab and the compartment are completely closed in physics, and the driver wears work clothes, wearing gloves, N95/KN95 particle protective masks or above masks. In addition, the passenger personnel implemented closed -loop management, and the 7 -day concentration or home isolation medicine observation was performed before the closed loop was removed. During the first, 4th and 7th day, each nucleic acid test was carried out. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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