"Methods are always more difficult than difficulties" -Read regional letter and visits system for the entire district's petition system Urumqi City Tianshan District Letters and Visits Bureau

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.04

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Guo Ling

On the wall of the reception hall of Tianshan District, Urumqi City, a brocade flag with a "let the cold heart and the heart warms the heart". Very dazzling.

Some time ago, the citizen Ms. Ren Ren reported that the stairs (illegal construction) of her shop (illegal construction) were demolished due to urban road transformation, causing the shop to be nearly 1 meter away from the ground, and it was extremely inconvenient to enter and exit shops.

The staff of Tianshan District Letters and Calls Bureau patiently listened to her demands, assisted in retracting the original planning drawings, coordinated relevant departments to go to the scene to check the scene, and finally repeatedly negotiated. , Make the shop restore normal operations. In order to thank the Tianshan District Letters and Calls Bureau, she sent a thank -you letter and a banner.

In fact, this is just a microcosm of the Tianshan District Letters and Calls Bureau to serve the people. In the past five years, the bureau has kept political responsibility for solving difficulties in the people and worries about the party, and resolutely carrying the responsibilities and mission of the petition department, and effectively resolved 4,842 letters and visits.

Zhang Hong, secretary of the Party Group of Tianshan District letters and visits bureau, received the letters and visits. Shao Hua Photo

"The most important thing for letters and visits is to always think of themselves as a member of the people and get close to the people." Zhang Hong, secretary of the party group of the Letters and Calls Bureau of Tianshan District, said that they insisted on listening to the masses face -to -face, leaders took the lead in interviews, creatively proposed family relationships The "eight methods" of the interview work, etc.

Since the beginning of this year, Tianshan District has strictly implemented a mechanism for the resolution mechanism of leading cadres, and implemented a special work mechanism for one policy, one policy, one package, one package, and one case. Baolian resolved 348 batches of 14 batches of doubts and complicated petitions, with a resolution rate of 98.6%, which won the trust and support of the masses in order to solve the effectiveness of the problem of urgency and anxiety.

Due to the disability of the legs, the citizen, Mr. Wang, needs to drive a refueling car to get off work every day. Mr. Wang didn't know where to go through the formalities and was inconvenient to move. He called the Tianshan District Letters and Calls Bureau to help.

When the staff learned about the situation, they immediately contacted the relevant authorities to learn more about policy regulations and procedures in detail. At the same time, contact the community where Mr. Wang is located to help him go through the relevant filing procedures to ensure that he can refuel and travel smoothly.

In terms of doing a good job of letters and visits in the new era, the Letters and Calls Bureau of Tianshan District pays attention to the source governance, adhere to the responsibility of the community's outpost, and make the masses work at home. Performing the six functions of "Speaking of things", "passing through traffic", "undertaking line", "diversion stations", "dispatching orders", "research and judgment room", in accordance with the "one stop and one member" standard, realize the 184 community workstations and petitions of the district The information officer is equipped with full coverage. Starting from the community's "talk point", the masses appeal directly to the Tianshan District Party Committee Office in the form of "through traffic". Solve the problem.

Since the beginning of this year, the Teaching and Calls Bureau of Tianshan District has touched a total of 1,313 contradictions and disputes, which resolved 1,215 pieces, and the resolution rate was 92.5%, which reduced the occurrence of petition problems from the source.

In order to create a convenient and efficient service platform and change the method of traditional letters and visits, the bureau is in accordance with the work requirements of "online investment, online investment, results online evaluation, problem online supervision, and online judgment". The "transition from the key to the" transformation of the key to receive, transfer, and accept it on the day of the online letters and visits, and realize that the masses can make suggestions at home, and you can run a petition with your fingers.

Ms. Sun and others reported on the Internet that their inaugurations deducted their salary of 8,000 yuan each. After the staff of the Letters and Calls Bureau understands the situation, coordinating the community labor security specialist to convene a petitioner and the person in charge of the company to hold a coordination meeting. Yu Yuan salary.

All staff members of the Teaching and Calls Bureau of Tianshan District stated that they must use the persistence of "stepping on the stone and sealing the iron" and the aggressive spirit of "the method is more than difficult than the difficulty", and hand over a answer to the organization with peace of mind and the masses, so as to use it to satisfy the masses. Excellent achievements welcomed the 20th CPC victory of the party.

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