The Baoshan Police Station carried out the "nine small places" safety inspection work

Author:Shuangya Mountain Release Time:2022.07.05

On June 28, Baoshan Police Station organized the people and auxiliary police officers to conduct a safety inspection work in the "nine small venues" to further enhance social management and control and effectively curb safety accidents.

During the inspection, the police went deep into the stores, restaurants, barbecue restaurants and other places in the jurisdiction, and launched a pull -net inspection, focusing on checking the implementation of fire protection facilities, evacuation channels, real -name registration, and the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures. Opinions and put forward specific requirements. The police require the person in charge of the venue to further enhance the awareness of responsibility, strictly implement the fire safety responsibility system, always tighten the safety strings, firmly establish a sense of safety precautions, enhance fire safety management capabilities, strengthen employee fire safety training and education, and continuously enhance emergency response capabilities. Strict implementation of the responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control subject, strictly implement scanning, temperature measurement, wearing masks, and daily disinfection, anti -killing, ventilation and other epidemic prevention and control measures. Personalized areas should maintain a safe distance of "one meter" or more At the same time, we will improve the internal supervision and management mechanism, conduct regular fire safety inspections, and timely do a good job of self -examination of fire hazards and fire safety violations in fire, and eliminate various types of safety hazards.

In this inspection, a total of 6 various places were inspected. Through this inspection, the social security and stability of social security in the jurisdiction was effectively guaranteed, and a solid foundation was held for the party's "20th National Congress" victory.

Reporter Zhang Han

Edit Guan Ying

Review Zhang Min

Preparation Wang Chunying

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