Tibetan medical staff fight against the new crown pneumonia.

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.07.05

"The people's supremacy, life first", it is of great significance and responsibility to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic. Since the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia, Tibetan medical staff kept the general secretary of the general secretary, and always put the people's lives safety and health first, while going all out to carry out diagnosis and treatment services, carefully and meticulously conduct patient diversion, nucleic acid detection, line test, line The work and other work have firmly made a solid barrier for the prevention and control of the Tibet epidemic.

Since the epidemic in the new coronary pneumonia, the Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission has set up designated hospitals and fixed -point hot ruling clinics in the entire district in accordance with the unified deployment of the district party committee and government. Prevention and treatment of fixed -point treatment hospitals. The Tibetan Medical Security Department quickly acted and took the initiative, and all temporarily incorporated drugs and diagnosis and treatment items used by new coronary pneumonia and suspected patients were included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund, which provided a medical insurance system guarantee for the diagnosis and treatment of new crown pneumonia.

After the "war epidemic" assembly number sounded, medical staff in the region fully learned and widely publicized scientific epidemic prevention knowledge, took the lead in compliance with various prevention and control regulations, actively helped the epidemic prevention and control work, and transformed the results of party history learning and education into epidemic prevention and control and control. The strong motivation to serve the masses has built a strong fortress to protect the lives of the people.

After the epidemic in the new coronary pneumonia, all medical staff of the Plateau Health Department of the People's Hospital of Naqu City were urgently adjusted to the popular nephews and medical observation ward. Not only that, some other departmental medical staff were also transferred to the front line of resistance.

"In order to do a good job of epidemic prevention, we can only owe our families. This is our duties. Although we have various difficulties, we must protect the health of the people of northern Tibet." Said Sonan Pingcuo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Hospital of Naqu City.

Shi Li, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Department of the People's Hospital of the Autonomous Region, said that as a medical staff, participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic and protecting people's safety is an inconsistent responsibility and a due obligation.

Deji, 33, has been working for 14 years. He is currently an ICU specialist nurse in the Third People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region. She said: "Patients need us, we do n’t go to, as long as the patient needs, we will come to the patient at the fastest speed. This is the most proud thing for me as a nurse."

Since the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, Tibetan community medical workers have adhered to their posts, silently contributed their own strength, and completed various epidemic prevention and control tasks.

"It's okay to go out, go out to wear masks, and wash your hands frequently!" Nima Lausanne, 36, is a village doctor in Yongkang Village, Lang County, Lang County. It has been engaged in the work for 12 years. Since the epidemic in the new crown pneumonia, she goes to the village every day to monitor the temperature, and patiently emphasizes the importance of the prevention and control of epidemics to farmers and herdsmen, and preach protective measures. In order to better invest in the epidemic prevention and control work, she handed over her two young daughters and old mother to her sister. She keeps the phone unblocked at 24 hours a day, stands at any time, responds to the doubts of the masses in time, and actively assist the village "two committees" team and the village team to investigate foreign personnel, and use practical actions to interpret the original mission of a medical worker.

"I fight against the epidemic and everyone is responsible. As a village doctor, I have no blame!" Nima Lausanne told reporters, "All medical staff are busy on the front line. Since I wear this white coat The masses in the village are responsible for their solid backing. "

The "family doctor" people's livelihood project is an important part of improving the level of primary medical care and promoting the healthy and orderly development of medical and health undertakings. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, Tibet's "family doctors" actively come to serve, while providing convenient medical resources such as elderly groups such as elderly groups, and actively publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control.

Bai Ma Yangjin, a doctor of the Bayigou Community Health Service Center in Chengguan District, Lhasa, said: "Our community has formulated a" one -person one card "family doctor signing service model to conduct free tracking management services for residents in the jurisdiction. Pneumonia vaccine services help everyone to do a good job of family disinfection. Although the task is cumbersome and long working time, we think of the responsibilities we shoulder, and everyone will work. "

Perseverance can end with caution. At present, although the overall situation of the Tibet epidemic prevention and control is stable, the risk of spreading the epidemic is still existed, and the prevention and control work must not be accommodated at all. On this battlefield that invisible smoke, the majority of medical staff in Tibet has always been united and persisted on the front line of resistance. They used actual actions to interpret the vows and responsibilities of "the epidemic is not retreating, we will not retreat".

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