The responsibility for preventing and controlling the epidemic is not implemented, Beijing reports R

Author:Burning news Time:2022.06.13

In order to build a market in the market field, Daxing District conscientiously implemented the requirements for prevention and control of the superior epidemic situation, continued to strengthen supervision, discovered problems in a timely manner, and urged the rectification in place. The list of the main body of the problem discovery of recent epidemic prevention inspections is as follows:

The market entities of Daxing District should further strengthen the awareness of the responsibility of the main body of the epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement the various epidemic prevention work systems, and resolutely implement various epidemic prevention measures. The management departments of various territories and industries must strictly implement the "four -party responsibility" and compact layer by layer. Responsibility for the prevention and control of the epidemic, continue to increase the prevention and control supervision and inspection of the epidemic, immediately urge rectification to discover problems, and strictly re -examine the market subjects that have repeatedly taught and do not reform.

In order to do a good job of preventing and controlling the new crown epidemic and promoting the implementation of the "four -party responsibility" of the epidemic prevention and control, Shijingshan District notified the recent district -level inspection of the prevention and control measures of the epidemic situation as follows:

The above -mentioned reporting enterprises should further strengthen the awareness of the responsibility of the main body of the epidemic prevention and control. Cold chain personnel must conduct "one -day inspection daily" in accordance with the requirements and not relax. Key units such as catering and convenience supermarkets should strictly scan the code, temperature measurement, wearing masks, eliminating disinfecting, killing and killing. Normal measures such as ventilation and 1 -meter noodles are not shaken. For market entities that are repeatedly taught, members of the district cold chain headquarters and district market epidemic prevention groups will be re -investigated strictly in accordance with the law.

Source | Beijing Daily

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