Xingmin Society Residence Commission: "Volunteer Action Warm Heart Cut" Community Governan

Author:Sunshine Charity in Shushan Di Time:2022.06.13

In order to meet the diversified needs of the elderly in the community, and enhance the residents' sense of identity and belonging to the community. The Women's Federation of Xingmin Society and the Sunshine Public Welfare Service Center of Shushan District, Hefei City, launched the second party building leading grass -roots governance venture capital project in Shushan District at 13:30 pm on June 13, 2022 at 13:30 pm Warm Heart Cut "Community Governance Services.


At the beginning of the event, the volunteer team was clear, preparing haircut tools, placing chairs, and waiting for the elderly to wait for haircuts in an orderly manner. Major hairdressing method, the barber process patiently asks the elderly what hairstyle wants. During the process, volunteers interact with the accompanying family members to understand the family situation, tell the elderly to pay attention to the health of life and diet in summer, and the elderly who cut the hairstyle expresses their heartfelt thanks to volunteers. Pulling the distance between the neighbors.


Through this convenience service, contact the needs of residents, promote the establishment of diversified volunteers in the community, realize the diversification of community governance subjects, and jointly create a harmonious community. It mainly highlights residents' needs as the guide, promotes community convenience services, and promotes community governance and voluntary services to higher quality and higher levels.


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