Jingang Street, Wolong District: In -depth corporate research and visit to help enterprises solve problems

Author:Today Wolong Time:2022.07.05

Recently, the Jingang Street Affairs Office of Wolong District took the opportunity of "10,000 people to help 10,000 enterprises".

During the visit, Jingang Street adheres to the problem -oriented, target -oriented, and result orientation, focusing on issues such as the focus of the development of the enterprise, difficulties, and blocking points. It was found that the power line at the gate of the Jinxing Electric Factory not only had hidden safety hazards, but also caused inconvenience to travel.

In response to the issues reflected by the enterprise, after sorting out the root cause of the problem, the Jingang Street Office has repeatedly coordinated the contradiction points of the power supply company and the enterprise, and discussed the solution. Thoroughly solve the problem of electrical wells, eliminate hidden safety hazards, and make the people's travel more convenient.

In the next step, Jingang Street Office will adhere to the normal visits to the enterprises in the area, in -depth communication, carefully sort out the demands made by enterprises, strengthen the connection between government and banks, and make every effort to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in production and operation. Combining the combination Local advantages, continue to deepen the cooperation of enterprises and governments in the jurisdiction, and achieve co -promoting mutual win -win; normalization to carry out a series of activities such as "10,000 people to help 10,000 enterprises" to help enterprises quickly realize capital increases and production and increase benefits. The economic development of the street has been added. (Zhang Long)

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