Upcoming!The first cultural and art festival of Tibet Autonomous Region lasts 1 month

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.07.05

On the 5th, the press release hall of the District Government News Office held the first press conference of the Tibet Culture and Art Festival.

The reporter learned from the conference that the first Tibetan Culture and Art Festival was co -sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and the District Culture Department. The art festival consists of 16 events such as the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, young singer contest, and folk song king (song) contest. From July 12th to mid -August, it will be closed for one month.

Xiao Chuanjiang, Secretary of the Party Group of the Cultural Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, said that after 57 years of continuous development, the Tibet Autonomous Region has more than 2,800 non -heritage projects, and the average annual cultural benefit of the people has reached the scale of 40,000. The grass -roots line has become one of the areas of the most sound cultural heritage system in China, the most rich cultural preservation, and the most prosperous cultural development. At this historical moment of the prosperity and development of Tibet, the party committee and government of the Autonomous Region approved the holding of the Tibetan Culture and Art Festival. This is not only the trust and heavy trust of all cultural and literary workers in Tibet, but also a grand event for the development of cultural development of various ethnic groups in Tibetan ethnic groups.

The opening ceremony has always been the highlight of the festival. The first Tibetan Culture and Art Festival opened on July 12th. At the opening ceremony, not only will there be the wonderful presentation of the first real -themed large -scale opera "Ge Sang Flower" in the history of Tibet literary and art development. The technology of technology is full of light shows to La Sa's night sky. At the same time, there are also many types of cultural market activities around the opening ceremony of the Golden City Princess Theater.

As the highest honor of this art festival, the Tibet Autonomous Region Government's highest art award Ge Sanghua Award and the Mass Awards Tibet Star Award will be announced and issued at the closing ceremony of the art festival.

Multi -platform communication forms and variety of interactive activities have also become the highlight of this art festival. This art festival is a comprehensive literary and artistic competition. By holding the district's young singer contest, folk song and dance contest, folk song contest, the masses are fully participated. During the art festival, the organizing committee will also actively use traditional media and new media communication platforms such as "Tibet Daily", "Cultural Tibet", "Mount Everest", "Tibet Satellite TV+", and other events. New media platforms such as "strong nations, QQ music, Douyin and other new media platforms establish special areas to facilitate everyone to find their favorite art works, like and love stars.

The conference also announced the emblem of the first Tibetan Culture and Art Festival. In the first Tibetan Culture and Art Festival emblem design, the two themes of Gesanghua and Ali Rock painting were used as the main design elements, which is to spread the patriotic symbols of the patriotic and united and progressive cultural symbols of Gesanghua. The rock painting elements in the Ali region have a significant convergence with the Central Plains region, which fully reflects that Tibet has been an indiscriminate historical facts in China since ancient times. The conviction and determination of excellent traditions and continuous cultural heritage.

It is understood that in the month of the Tibetan Culture and Art Festival, related events will be held in all parts of Tibet, and there will be literary performances every day. Throughout the summer, the snowy plateau will become the ocean of singing and dancing.

For more exciting, please pay attention to the Tibet Daily video number

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