Hanjiang District Disease Control Center continues to carry out the sampling monitoring of the new crown virus external environment specimen

Author:Hanjiang District Rong Media C Time:2022.07.05

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In order to further prevent the normalization of the new coronary pneumonia's epidemic, according to the work arrangement of the pre -prevention and control work headquarters of the city and district's new crown pneumonia. Supermarkets and food business stores, 43 imported cold chain food -related enterprises, etc. conduct external environment sampling monitoring; at the same time, external environmental sampling monitoring is performed on railway stations, bus stations, pension institutions, medical institutions and other public places.

The sampling monitoring focuses on the surface, the surface of the agricultural trade market, the supermarket aquatic products, and the chopping board surface, tools, cleaning ponds, elevator handrails, seats and other external environmental specimens on the surface of the plate, and food specimens such as aquatic products, livestock and poultry meat, cold chain foods and other food specimens.

So far, a total of 11,896 samples related to cold chain, 6,621 cold chain food samples, and 14,406 samples in other public places, so as to firmly build the epidemic prevention and control line, prevent the masses of the risk of contacting external environmental infections, effectively maintain the people to the people The lives of the masses and health.

The Hanjiang District Disease Control Center will continue to do a good job of sampling and testing of external environmental nucleic acids, strengthen public publicity and education, implement various epidemic prevention and control measures, and escort the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic in our district. (Creation and Control of Hanjiang District)

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Hosted 丨 Hanjiang District Rong Media Center


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