Xi'an: Not "Fengcheng"

Author:World Wide Web Time:2022.07.05

Xi'an: Some public places implement temporary management and control, not "sealed city"

From 00:00 on July 6, Xi'an temporarily implemented temporary management and control measures for seven days in the city to further reduce the flow of personnel and reduce the risk of cross -infection.

The relevant person in charge of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters said that the implementation of temporary management and control of some public places is not a "sealed city." Large -scale supermarket complexes, supermarkets, convenience stores, farmers 'markets, and medical institutions that are closely related to residents' lives. Public entertainment and leisure places have been suspended. The restaurant has been suspended for a week, which can be taken for themselves, can take out, and implement non -contact delivery services. Party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, various residential communities, public transportation, outdoor attractions, catering units (takeaway), commercial supermarkets and other places can be freely entered and exited, and measures such as scanning, temperature measurement, standardized wearing masks, and ventilation disinfection can be implemented.

For 7 days, some public places implement temporary control measures in order to calm the society as much as possible, reduce social liquidity, quickly find potential risks, and reduce the risk of cross -infection.

Xi'an report! "The city's 7 -day temporary management and control"

Source: Xi'an released

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