Jilin Province Water Resources Department continues to maintain water -drought disaster defense IV response

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.07.06

Since the flood in June 1st, Jilin Province has a special climate abnormal, cold vortex continues to hover, the auxiliary high jumps have changed, and the rainfall continues. There is only no rain for 2 days. As of now, the province's average rainfall is 218 millimeters, which is 2.3 times that of rainfall, and it is the first since the meteorological record in 1951.

According to analysis and prediction, affected by the weakened tropical low -voltage "Siaba" remnants of the west and high -altitude grooves in the west wind, it is expected that from July 6th to 7th, our province will usher in a new round of obvious rainfall process from west to east. The heavy precipitation is mainly concentrated on the day of the night to the day of the 7th, and most places are heavy or heavy to heavy rain.

On July 4th, the Special Conference of the Provincial Water Resources Department was judged and judged that 5 rivers such as Dongliao River, Drink Ma River, Xinkai River, Gushan River, and Shuangyang River may occur. Five large reservoirs such as Liangjiashan and Hailong may exceed the flood limit water level. Some small and medium -sized rivers such as Changchun, Siping, Liaoyuan, Tonghua, and Baishan may have a significant water rise process, and some small and medium reservoirs will be overlurred.

In order to actively do a good job of response, the Jilin Provincial Department of Water Resources further improved political standing, paid close attention to the "four feelings" (rain, water, danger, disaster), and do a good job of "four pre -pre -pre -pre -pre -" (forecast, early warning, preview, plan), and The encryption scheduling deployment was held on the morning of the 5th. The meeting further made arrangements, continued to maintain water -drought disaster defense IV response, paid close attention to key basin, key parts, important links, increased work, time -to -discuss and judged, scientifically responded to a new round of rainfall process, strengthened the monitoring and early warning of floods, and the warnings and early warnings of the floods. The reservoir scheduling, the working group and the expert group were sent early to guide the grassroots to carry out defense work, strengthened duty on duty, closely monitored, and strictly stared at prevention to ensure the safety of the flood.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Ren Shengzhang

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