During the epidemic, the protection of the elderly should pay attention to these five points

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.06

The elderly people have a lower physical function and low immunity. Compared with young adults, they are a new crown pneumonia. Once infected, they are more prone to severe illness and life -threatening. Therefore, in the process of preventing the new crown pneumonia, strengthening the protection of the elderly is particularly important.

Point 1: Avoid going to person -intensive places

During the epidemic, the elderly should do a good job of wearing masks, less dense places, maintaining safety and social distances, and maintaining hand hygiene. Go to the supermarket and the market, and try to list the shopping list in advance as much as possible to reduce staying time. In addition, the elderly who are particularly reminded to suffer from basic diseases who need to take medicine for a long time. Do not stop the medicine without authorization. You can regularly go to the nearby community health service institutions to take medicine, or the long -term prescriptions are prescribed after being evaluated by the doctor. Take medicine.

The elderly people like to go out to the door, but during the popularity of respiratory diseases, disease control experts reminded that they should go out as little as possible, do not go the door, do not go or go to the dense places as little as possible; , Do Hand -hygiene.

Key point two: Make a mask correctly in high temperature weather

Mask is an important line of defense to prevent the new crown virus. In a closed environment, a densely crowded place or a close contact with others, you should wear a mask correctly when you are less than one meter. But just wearing a mask is not enough to curb the virus. If you only wear a mask but not to keep your hand hygienic or touch your eyes, nose, nose, and nose, etc., there is still a risk of being transmitted by virus infection; if you wear a mask but do not put it on or remove correctly, there is still a virus. The risk of infection.

When wearing a mask, the mask should be completely covered with the mouth and nose. During the wearing, you do n’t need to grab the surface of the mask during the wearing process. In high temperature weather, masks are prone to sweating. It is recommended to change every 4 hours. If the mask appears obviously humid or pollution, it should be replaced in time. In the park and other outdoor places, choose a disposable medical mask or a medical surgical mask; in addition, it is not recommended that the elderly use N95 or KN95 and other protective masks. Because of its strong closedness and large breathing resistance, there may be shortage of lack after long -term wear. Oxygen, which causes symptoms of breathing difficulties such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, asthma. Elderly people with cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease should be more cautious.

Key points: achieve sufficient nutritional prevention and afford

The weather is hot, and many people often close the doors and windows in order to cool down the air conditioner. This method is not advisable. Daily opening ventilation is not only conducive to preventing new crown pneumonia, but also one of the most convenient and effective methods for preventing other respiratory infectious diseases. It is recommended to open the window 3 times a day, more than half an hour each time.

During a special period, the elderly people need to be packed with reasonable and vegetarian diet, and appropriately increase high -quality protein intake of shrimp, fish, beef and dairy products to control high -fat diets; eating more miscellaneous grains, fruits and vegetables, etc. can help digestion Food, two or two types of grain, one or two meats, three to five kinds of vegetables and fruits; three meals a day for a regular and reasonable diet, exercise in appropriate amount after meals, do not bed immediately, work rest and diet.

Keep in mind that exercise should be moderate. You can take a walk, exercise, etc. at home. The clothes should be loose and comfortable. Patients with chronic diseases should do a good job of self -health monitoring and take medicine on time. It is recommended that the elderly are used to use it separately.

Key points 4: "Epidemic prevention" must not be ignored

During the epidemic, the daily lifestyle of the elderly group was impacted, and the conventional living habits were forced to change, which also had a certain impact on its heart. As a source of spiritual power for children as the elderly, children are recommended to care more about the elders through telephone and other methods, so that the elderly can feel the love and companionship of their family. You can persuade them not to pay too much attention to the news of the epidemic, watch more relaxed entertainment programs to divert attention, and can also cultivate new hobbies, such as flowers, fish raising, calligraphy, painting, etc. Through these easy -to -use and endless small hobbies, re -inspiring their love for life, let them experience a sense of control of life.

In the face of the epidemic, the elderly can neither care, nor overly panic. Instead, they must scientifically prevent and control and be the first responsible person of their own health. On the basis of doing a good job of personal protection, maintaining a calm mentality for self -emotional regulation, family members must also timely guide the emotions of the elderly and reduce their psychological pressure. When physical discomfort, poor mood, and low mood, you should take the initiative to seek help and taboo diseases and doctors. If necessary, you can take the drug appropriately under the guidance of a doctor, seek professional psychological counseling agencies, and accept psychological counseling and psychological guidance.

Point 5: Vaccine can effectively prevent severe illness and risk of death

Related data show that the proportion of severe and death after the elderly infected with new coronal virus is the highest among all ages. For the elderly, it is generally prone to inflammatory response after the virus or bacteria is generally infected; most of the elderly have basic diseases. If the virus is infected, the symptoms of the original disease will be more serious or more likely to occur. Vacuuming three -pin new crown vaccine can effectively prevent the severe disease and risk of death.

According to the study of the new crown disease of the elderly at home and abroad, among the elderly who vaccinated the whole new crown vaccine, the effectiveness of the vaccine prevention, critical condition, and even death were very obvious.After inoculation, more than 90%after the reinforcement agent.Disease control experts call for the eligible elderly people to make an appointment for vaccination as soon as possible. If they are the elderly who have completed the whole process, they will be vaccinated as soon as possible after 6 months.At the same time, the relevant accompanying personnel are reminded to do their own health monitoring, minimize going out as much as possible, and do their own protection.Wang Jiangli, a reporter from Xi'an Newspaper, Wang Jiangli

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