Zhang Mianyi Township: "Practice for military training" multi -point force to pay close at

Author:Zhangjiachuan County Rong Medi Time:2022.06.13

Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center (Correspondent Mao Yingchun) In order to continue to improve the business level and working ability of cadres at the township and village levels, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of rural cadres, and create an atmosphere of fighting for excellence. Recently, Zhang Mianyi Township, based on its own reality, combined with the current key tasks, solidly carried out the "job training, business competition" on -site observation activities.

During the observation activities, the secretary of the village branch of the town watched the observation demonstration sites prepared by 11 villages, reporting the implementation of key tasks such as epidemic prevention and control, grass -roots party building, project construction, village -level collective economy development, and wasteland rectification. The effectiveness, fully understand the gap and deficiencies between the village and the village.

After the observation, the villagers intended to exchange on -site exchanges on the current key work and the next work. Forefront.

Through the observation of "job training and business competition", the villages provide new ideas, new methods, and new requirements for various work in the future.

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