@Parents, the tips for the healthy life of primary and secondary school students and young children in 2022

Author:Sichuan Provincial Department Time:2022.07.06

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, the National Primary and Middle School Health Education and Teaching Guidance Committee, based on the "Tips for the Tips for the Holidays of Primary and Middle School Students and Children's Healthy Life in the Winter vacation in 2022", revised the "Tips for the Tips for the Summer of Primary and Middle School Students and Children's Healthy Life in the Summer 2022" to guide primary and secondary school students Strengthen physical exercise with young children, reasonably arrange holiday life, study and epidemic prevention, balanced dietary nutrition, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and be the first responsible person of their own health. Let's take a look with Chuanchuan--


Keep healthy behavior

Prevent and control measures must be remembered

Consciously abide by the various epidemic prevention and control regulations, standardize wearing masks, and maintain a safe social distance.

Wash your hands, change clothes, often ventilate, gather less, use public chopsticks, maintain a clean living environment, and develop good hygiene habits.


Exercise exercise is indispensable

Regular work and rest

Persist in outdoor activities and physical exercise for no less than 2 hours every day, with various forms, pay attention to sun protection, avoid heat stroke and accidental damage.

Reasonable schedules, ensuring sufficient sleep time, children and elementary students are 10 hours a day, 9 hours of junior high school students per day, and 8 hours of high school students per day.

Go to bed early and get up early and stay up late, keep healthy and mental.


Scientific eyes are necessary

Protect your vision

Persist in the correct reading and writing posture, so as to "one foot, one inch and one punch", that is, the eyes are one foot from the book, the finger holding the pen is one inch from the pen tip, and the chest is one punch from the table.

Primary and secondary school students should follow the "4010" law, that is, for 30-40 minutes with close eyes, it should be rested for 10 minutes. When using electronic products non -learning, it does not exceed 15 minutes each time, and the cumulative per day does not exceed 1 hour.

Preschool children should follow the "2010" law, that is, for 15-20 minutes with close-up eyes, and should be rest for 10 minutes. Try not to contact electronic products. Eye fatigue is relieved by viewing from distant, outdoor activities, eye health exercises, etc.


Food Safety Remember

Balanced diet to do well

"Three None" foods without expire and production date, no quality qualification certificate, and no manufacturer, do not eat "high oil", "high salt", "high sugar" and other "three high" foods.

Prevent food poisoning, do not eat wild vegetables, wild fruits and mushrooms that do not know.

Pay attention to the balanced nutrition, the combination of meat and vegetables, diverse types, not partial eclipse, not picky eaters, eating breakfast, choosing snacks reasonably, and cultivating healthy eating habits.

Eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, and eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, soybeans, milk, and cereals.

Drink enough water, drink less or not drink.


Summer life fun

Bad emotion early guidance

Pay attention to cultivating all kinds of health hobbies, cultivating sentiment, learning methods of effectively communicating and relieving emotions, maintaining a healthy mentality, and communicating with family and friends.

Discover the emotions and behavior abnormalities, inform parents in time and seek professional help.

Take the initiative to participate in social practice and family labor, and cultivate social skills.

No smoking (including electronic cigarettes), drinking, not addicted to the Internet.


Far away from dangerous tens of millions of

A sense of security

Strengthen personal safety awareness and responsibilities, and do not go to wild waters such as reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds and other wild waters without safety protection to prevent drowning.

Pay attention to transportation, fire fighting, and tourism safety. When you are alone at home, strengthen self -protection, do not play fire, prohibit high -altitude parabolic, remember various types of first aid help calls, encounter danger, and ask for help in time.

部 Source of this article: New Media of the Ministry of Education "Weiyan Education" (WeChat: JYBXWB)

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