What are the July mission lists of Shenzhou 14 in the "Full Moon" Shenzhou 14?

Author:Science and technology innovat Time:2022.07.06

Since the Shenzhou 14th manned spacecraft successfully sent Chen Dong, Liu Yang, and Cai Xudo to the space officer to the space on the morning of June 5th, since the three astronauts of Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe entered the core cabin, the Shenzhou No. 14 Flying Passenger Group has been staying in the orbit. One month.

There is a space station in the Space Life well running stable operation

At present, the space station combination is stable, and various space science experiments are also conducted in an orderly manner. The half -year trip to space is one -sixth. The three people's space life is organized. , Test it a day, sleep at night. Every day, you have to connect the world to report peace to the ground!

The reporter visited the China Aerospace Council Center's astronauts in a good state

What is the status of three astronauts in the rail work? The CCTV reporter at the heads of the heads went to the Aerospace Council to visit. On the big screen of the astronauts supporting the hall, the state of the astronauts can be seen.

The CCTV reporter Liu Guanqing: This is the Aerospace Support Hall of China Aerospace Center. We see the astronaut Liu Yang on the screen using space running Taiwan for rail training.

Since entering the space station combination, the Shenzhou No. 14 astronauts have completed various tasks such as the establishment of the core cabin -manned environment, material finishing and transfer.

Wu Dawei, deputy chief planner of the Aerospace Council Center Aerospace System: It uses the material management system to classify and sort the entire station's materials. This part of the work is very large, and they are also very hard. This time we have upgraded the software, and the software will be more complete after upgrading. Therefore, we have made some photo videos with the material management system, including the finishing and records of a series of material information, and the communication of heaven and earth is smoother.

According to the plan, on June 23, the three astronauts completed the assembly and testing of the carbon dioxide reduction system with the cooperation of the ground personnel.

Wu Dawei, deputy chief designer of the astronaut system of China Aerospace Council: It (carbon dioxide restore system) is mainly capable of regenerating, carbon dioxide that people call out, and can be further re -used through the subsystem, and then used for our space station, so it can be able to be able to Save a lot of resources and reduce our upward resources and costs.

In addition, no containment cabinet material science experiments and aerospace medical experiments have also begun. For one month in the orbit, Shenzhou 14 Aerospace Management Group worked for 6 days a week in accordance with the heaven and earth. At present, the astronauts have been in a good state and the work is progressing smoothly.

Wu Dawei, deputy chief planner of the China Aerospace Council Center Aerospace System: Shenzhou 14 multiplied group is a relatively young multiplication group. They are very good, and they also have early flight experience. Therefore, overall, they are more lively, happy, and very rigorous and meticulous in terms of physical or operation. It is also very neat in completing various tasks, and the overall performance is very good.

What are the "busiest three -person three -person group" in July?

The space life of Shenzhou 14th astronauts multiplied by group was very busy, because they not only had to complete the construction of the China Space Station, but also had a lot of experiments to do it, and they had to complete the mission of the cabin. The three of them can also be called "the busiest space for three people."

What tasks are there in July? The most important of these is to usher in the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin. It is understood that the Chinese Space Station has prepared a number of scientific experimental cabinets, most of which are deployed in the "Ask" and "Dream Tian" experimental compartment that will be launched. At that time, the astronauts will use a special wrench to open the experimental cabin gate, start the life maintenance system in the cabin, complete the assembly of the scientific experimental cabinet, and conduct cross -scientific experiments. In addition, there is also a highlight of the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin, which is space lectures. The last time the space lecture was carried out in the sky and the core cabin. The lecturer was Wang Yaping. This time, it will be transferred to the "Ask Heaven" experimental cabin. We also look forward to this lecturer's start of a new space class.

After ushered in the "Ask Heaven" experimental cabin, the astronauts will also choose to take the first time the outlet of the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin. This will also be a big highlight. Shenzhou 12th astronauts have performed twice out of the compartment task. Shenzhou 13 Aerospace also performed two out -of -the -cap tasks, but they were all from the node compartment in front of the core and core cabin.

The space station is running stable and waiting for "asking the sky" to visit

According to the plan, the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin will be launched at the Wenchang Aerospace launcher in Hainan this month, and will be carried out with the space station combination. The "Ask Sky" cabin will be the main base of my country's spatial life science research. What are the preparations of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center in order to meet the docking?

On the afternoon of July 4, the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center issued a command instruction to the space station combination. After this rail control, the space station combination will be prepared to welcome the "Ask Heaven" experimental cabin visit.

Wang Saijin, deputy chief engineer of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center: We just completed the control control of the "Ask Sky" launch on July 4th. As the launch of "Ask the Sky" is approaching, it is planning to be planned by Tianzhou III. Related work, before that, also uses Tianzhou 3 to change the track. After the launch of "Ask the Tian", Tianzhou III will separate from the combination.

At present, the Chinese space station combination consists of the Tianhe Core Card, Tianzhou III, Tianzhou -4 and Shenzhou No. 14 manned spacecraft. Asked the "Experimental Curring Card and Tianhe Core Class to connect the interface. The launch of the launch of the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin is the first time the space station has greeted the spacecraft's visit in a state. Wang Saijin, deputy chief engineer of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center: This time, "asking the sky" also adopted the method of rapid meeting and docking. If abnormal conditions occur, this method should be implemented with the ground. In addition, in some cases, astronauts are needed to participate in hand -control overpass docking.

Wu Dawei, deputy chief planner of the astronaut system of the China Aerospace Council: He (we) will make relevant preparations for hand -control remote operations and docking. It is always prepared. If necessary, they will intervene at any time to ensure that the docking process is smooth.

In the past few days, the Shenzhou 14th astronauts have completed the inspection and testing of the space uniforms outside the cabin. According to the plan, during the track, they will complete 2 to 3 out of the cabin from the "Ask Sky" cabin. In the past few days, Beijing Flying Control Center has upgraded the software systems of the space station combination to improve the safety and stability of subsequent tasks.

Hu Guolin, deputy commander of Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center: The update purpose of the rail software is mainly to enable the equipment in the sky to resist the impact of the harsh space environment, and at the same time, the operation of the astronauts should not have additional effects. For the ground, it can be more convenient and richer from the perspective of monitoring and control.

Wang Saijin, deputy chief engineer of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center: At present, the space station is running for so long, the working conditions are normal, stable, and energy balance.

Outside the window is blue star watched the magnificent earth from space

The life of the Shenzhou Fourteenth multiplication group for half a year of life, whether it is the Tiangong decoration team, the universe workers, or the space life family. Their window is always the azure planet, and their hearts are more full of Jinxiu Mountain River.

Chen Dong, Shenzhou 14th astronaut: Building a Chinese space station is the dream of several generations of Chinese astronauts and the dream of tens of millions of Chinese people.

Shenzhou 14th astronaut Liu Yang: Thank you very much for this great era. He gave us the opportunity to bring our lives, dreams of dreams, and grow up with the times.

Shenzhou 14th astronaut Cai Xuzhe: For half a year of "space travel", I was most looking forward to the moment when the "Ask the Sky" and "Dream Sky" experimental compartment and the core compartment were connected.

Chen Dong, Shenzhou 14th astronauts: Soon, China's space home will be built in our hands. How lucky we are and how happy are we.

Shenzhou 14th astronaut Liu Yang: Thank you very much for your attention. I will always have the mountains and the sea, the stars, and the original intention. I will write the glory of the motherland over time again and again.

Shenzhou 14th astronaut Cai Xuzhe: After work, I will enjoy the beauty of space, shoot a beautiful earth and the great motherland, take a look at the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and find a dear hometown.

Chen Dong, Shenzhou 14th astronauts: We must take the task with full confidence, full blood, and full score. (CCTV News Client)

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