Summer safety education, children benefit a lot

Author:Dongchu Evening News Time:2022.07.06

In order to enhance the summer safety awareness of adolescents, the usage of the law, and cherish life, on the morning of July 5th, the social workers of Shenjiaying Street stood in the new era of civilization in the streets of the street.Protection Law "Propaganda and Summer Safety Education activities.

On the same day, the social workers of the street social worker station first issued a book "Minor Protection Law" to the children; and combined with the physical and mental characteristics of the young people, it explained the key content of the newly revised "Protection Law" to help children learn to learnMaintain the legitimate rights and interests of legal weapons.

Subsequently, summer safety education was conducted through fun Q & A.Social workers explained the safety protection knowledge such as drowning, lightning protection, and heatstroke through the way of raising questions and discussions together.In the knowledge -grabbing competition, children who actively participate in answering questions can also get small gifts such as notebooks and neutral pens.

Reporter Wu Gao Bin Correspondent Yin Jing

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