Can't hide it!The 10,000 acres of lotus ponds in Cao County blossomed

Author:Peony Evening News Time:2022.06.13

Peony Evening News all -media reporter Li Yue

On June 9, 2021, 10,000 acres of lotus flowers in the National Wetland Park of the Yellow River Old Road in Caoxian County began to bloom one after another. The green lotus leaves were dotted with beautiful lotus views. Although it was noon, many tourists came here and experienced experience. The beauty of the ancient Yellow River.

The National Wetland Park of the Yellow River Old Road in Cao County is located on the Yellow River Old Road Beach in the west of Caoxian District. It is currently a national AAA -level scenic spot. The wetland is based on the Taihang embankment reservoir. "The total area of ​​our scenic area is about 32,000 acres, of which the wetland area accounts for about 10,000 acres, and the lotus area accounts for about 2,000 acres." Lan Shouku, deputy general manager of the National Wetland Park Operation Center of the Yellow River Old Road, Cao County, told the Mudan Evening News all -media media Reporter, in the current lotus garden in the scenic area, more than 70 precious lotus flowers in China have been introduced. From mid -June to the end of September, it is the best time to watch lotus flowers. The current 10,000 acres of lotus pond scenic spot has become quite large and has become " The famous tourist attraction of Luxi Water Village.

In June 2021, the construction of tourist service centers, commercial service centers, wetland park ecological restoration, road and public engineering construction such as the Wetland Park of the Yellow River Park of Cao County, and the formation of "one heart, double ring, five scenic spots". "One Heart" is the tourist service center of the main entrance; the "double ring" forms two large ring lines to rely on the tourist vehicle and the tourist boat route to connect the entire district; Five themed attractions in Gen and Hebo Garden.

According to Lan Shouku, after the concentrated construction period of last year, the tourism format in the wetland scenic area this year has also been upgraded. The newly introduced paddy field train, ATV off -road vehicle, water bicycle, large windmill pedal boat, and windmills, and windmills. Electric touch boat, BBQ tent barbecue camp, wedding photography base, hot air balloon flight camp, Hanfu dressing travel hall, Golden beach paradise, parent -child non -power park, mobile food shop car, shouting spring, etc. It has enriched the product system of the scenic area and provides tourists with a new tourist experience.

At the same time, the scenic area has re -improved and established a professional operation, management, marketing and service team, and launched large -scale festivals such as the "Rapeseed Flower Festival, Peach Blossom Festival, and Lotus Festival" in a timely manner, which has comprehensively enhanced the interesting and participation of the scenic area tour, participation, and participation, and participation, and participation. Interactivity, experience.

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