Shijiazhuang City's "Struggle Xingxing Shi Village Society Fights" was held

Author:Shijiazhuang released Time:2022.07.06

On the afternoon of July 5th, the finals of the "Sangan Xingxing Shi Village Society" in Shijiazhuang City were held at the city's elderly university. After the fierce competition, 17 participating units were competing. First, second and third prizes. Rolly, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Rollem pointed out that the ring competition was fighting, morale, and level, and vividly demonstrated a group of typical examples, innovation measures and practical results with strong representative and good demonstration effects. At present, the city has paid an eye on the goal of "the total economy is over trillion and achieved the curve overtaking", showing a good trend of condensing and competing for development. All counties (cities, districts) should follow the overall situation of economic and social development in the city, further promote their advantages, make up for shortcomings, and strong and weak items, and continuously consolidate the organizational foundation that promotes the high -quality development of grass -roots party building. It is necessary to use the carrier of the ring, expand from rural communities to towns and villages, extend from grass -roots party building to cadres and talents, and continuously promote the normalization of institutionalization. It is necessary to promote advanced typical experience and practices, summarize and promote a group of highlights, and amplify the demonstration effect of the party building work of the provincial capital. We must always maintain a stance of hard work, and show new responsibilities and achievements in the city's development.

After fierce competition, the Milheng Village of Mijia, Yinhe Town, Luancheng District, Xinzhai Village, Yi'an Town, Luquan District, and Xinhua Road Street, Xinhua District Ning'an Communities in Ning'an District, Xinhua District, respectively obtained rural revitalization, rural grassroots governance, and community grassroots governance. prize.

Shijiazhuang City's "Struggle Xingshing Shi Village Society" is the grass -roots party organization actively responding to the call of the municipal party committee and promoting the implementation of the spirit of "sancing the rocks and giving up my own". The high attention of each department. The Taiwan competition focuses on the three thematic development of party building and promoting rural rejuvenation, party building leading grassroots governance, and assisting village assistance. Through township preliminary competitions, county -level rematch, the city -level preliminary and finals will be promoted to compete. The party building promoted 100 advanced villages in the countryside, and 100 advanced villages and advanced communities in the party building led by the party building.

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