Give full play to the role of party members' pioneers to do a good job of "leading geese" in rural revitalization

Author:Affects Sichuan Time:2022.07.06

The strategy of rural revitalization is the overall and historic task of building a socialist modern country in an all -round way. The countryside is also a vast world that can be greatly achieved. In this vast world, party members must show their mission. Pioneer model effect.

To be a good leader and lead everyone to take the road of revitalization in the countryside, we must first armed themselves from ideological. Party members must establish ideals and beliefs for the strategic struggle of rural revitalization, strengthen the country's concept of rural prosperity, and attach great importance to the strategic actions of rural revitalization, use rural revitalization strategies to arm the mind, launch the masses, guide practice, and promote work. With a firm belief, we must also have the feelings of the people, effectively strengthen the sense of responsibility, dare to take responsibility and take the initiative to improve the appearance of the countryside and promote the development of the countryside. Work, persist in inspecting the people, solving problems, promoting development, gathering people's hearts, and practically contributing to rural revitalization with the spirit of work.

Specifically, in the aspects of village -level collective economic development, village -level environmental improvement, village -level public welfare undertakings, village poverty alleviation, village financial supervision, etc., party members and cadres must actively participate in it and play a corresponding role. In addition, grass -roots party members must go deep into the masses, do a good job of propaganda and explanation to the masses, strengthen public opinion guidance, drive the masses to implement resolutions, realize the village party members and the masses "think in one place" and "to make a place", forming rural revitalization Powerful power.

In this process, grass -roots party members must always keep in mind their own party members, always pay attention to words and deeds, and play a leading role in the environmental improvement of the village, good fashion guidance, etc. It was overwhelmed by crisis.

The work of rural revitalization is a major project with heavy and arduous tasks. In the process of revitalizing the countryside, grassroots party members are the banner of the party at the grassroots level. Those who promote the realization of agricultural strong, rural beauty, and farmers' rich vision. Party members must consciously exert their own intelligence, strengthen the connection with the people of rural grassroots, listen carefully to the people's voices, and gather the wisdom of the people with heart, and gather the great power of the people in the village's rejuvenation. brilliant. (Chen Yan)

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