Start your hands, really focus on!Huazhou Xin'an Features Assisting Revitalization

Author:Southern Rural News Time:2022.07.06

"After the street light installation, more than 5,500 villagers bid farewell to 'touching the night". "In response to the problem of no street lamps in the night's report, Kong Lingchen, the captain of the Township Hangfu Village Working Team in Xin'an Town, Huazhou City, they coordinated the Guangdong Power Grid The company invested 900,000 yuan, with Xin'an Village as the starting point to build more than 570 street lights, accurately connecting the needs of the villagers.

From the angle of the bleaching number to the planning first, from the beautification environment to the "Bai Guo Fragrance", from "retreating fruit" to the quality and efficiency of the fruit industry, from the introduction of enterprises to attracting villagers to return ... The Provincial Agricultural and Rural Hall, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation and Agricultural Bank of China Sub -branch formed by the Xin'an Town Gangfang Fucun Working Team (hereinafter referred to as the "work team"), planned to the distance, start with a small place, do every step, one, one, a one, one The beautiful Xin'an Town is slowly presented.

Characteristic pen

Fine new starts first

There are soil under your feet, and your heart has a spectrum. Since July 2 last year settled in Xin'an Town, Huazhou City, the work team launched a survey. Interview with the cadres of the village and visit the poor households. After a month, 17 administrative villages (communities) walked one by one. Each player recorded a thick notes. impression".

The fruit industry, red culture, Nanyue ancient post road ... Driven by the precision poverty alleviation period during poverty alleviation and the promotion of the local government, the foundation of Xin'an Town is not too bad, but in the standardized planting, roads, electricity, concentrated water supply, life, life The sewage is relatively insufficient. Faced with a good development foundation, while the team members were in a sigh of relief, they also "made difficulties."

The work team investigated and visited Xin'an Town to talk to the growers

"Compared to the planning rural revitalization from scratch, rejuvenation on the basis of a certain basis, the task is heavier and the pressure is greater." Kong Lingchen, the captain of the work team, believes that there are many special resources in Xin'an Town. Xin'an Town has done a good job of planning.

In order to make the planning results more scientific, the work team gives full play to the advantages of their own and their units, and actively connects various resources such as Guangzhou and Maoming. All administrative villages (residences) and more than 30 companies and cooperatives have formulated "Planning of Fucun Planning (2021-2025) in Xin'an Town, Xin'an Town, Xin'an Town, Maoming City", and accurately connect the upper planning planning, analyze the status quo of the status quo, determine the positioning of the positioning, determine the positioning Thinking and formulating the annual assistance project library to lay a solid foundation for the next five years.

"Bold thought, be careful, and work hard." Kong Lingchen said that as a member of the first batch of working teams in the town to help the town, it can not make Xin'an Town change tremendous in the short term. In one step, Xin'an Town will definitely become better.


Activate the potential point of the fruit industry's capacity expansion

"Industrial rejuvenation is the foundation of rural rejuvenation." Once in Shigang Village, Shibang Town, Dongyuan County, Heyuan City, and participating in poverty alleviation in Kashgar, Xinjiang, Kong Lingchen deeply realized that the development of a region must be supported by the industry. Without industries, others can only be empty.

The survey of the work team found that the planting area of ​​various fruits in the town exceeds 60,000 acres. Special fruits such as guava, yellow peel, altar, jackfruit, and Wo oranges have good harvested, but Xin'an fruits are also facing "small, weak, scattered, scattered, scattered "The situation.

"Farmers are very hard to plant fruits, but they often sell good prices when harvesting." Kong Lingchen introduced that there are more than 60 kinds of fruits grown in Xin'an Town. The restrictions of the elements have caused Xin'an's fruit industry to become a "fist".

Guava grows Zhengsheng

How to break the game? Xin'an Town has a large scale and planted eucalyptus forests, which has promoted the local social and economic development. However, eucalyptus, known as the "lazy tree", every 5-6 years, its growth process consumes soil fertility and water, and its land industry is low.

The planting area of ​​eucalyptus in Xin'an Town exceeds 80,000 mu, which is both shortcoming and the potential point of the expansion of the fruit industry. Kong Lingchen introduced that combined with the "retreat fruit" work plan of Xin'an Town, the work team actively explored the implementation path, set up special funds to solve various problems encountered in the "retreat fruit". The secretary of Xintang Village and Xin'an Village, through the organization of villagers, retreat, and plant fruits such as ruby ​​green pomelo, Yulike and perfume lemon on a large scale.

On the hillside of Xintang Village, some fruits have been hung on the lemon and green pomelo trees more than one meter. Two years later, they will enter the high yield period. According to Wen Jinjun, a member of the work team and the first secretary in Xintang Village, the "retreat fruit" area of ​​Xintang Village has an area of ​​nearly 2,000 acres. 3 green pomelo planting demonstration bases have been built and 2 lemon planting demonstration bases have been built. For example, this batch of ruby ​​blue pomelo seedlings was planted last year, with about 200 acres. The interest connection model of "guarantee income+dividend of stocks" is used to cooperate with the villagers to jointly build a demonstration base. Villagers can get at least 300 yuan/mu per mu per acre The rental rent will also obtain dividends according to the area and harvest of the forest land.

The green grapefruit tree planted after "Retreatment Fruit" in Xintang Village

baby sitting program

Make Xiangxian more confident to operate agriculture

After graduating from university in 2008, Peng Yijin of Xintang Village has been engaged in AI development in Shenzhen and Dongguan. At the end of 2020, he returned to the Xingtang Village Committee Shanji Tong Nature Village as a team leader and led the establishment of Haraju Ecological Agricultural Planting Huazhou City. After sufficient market research, the cooperative adopted the "three changes" policies of the land to lead the villagers in more than 320 villagers in the village to participate in eucalyptus seeds, and planting 800 acres of forest land in the village with Yulike lemon and perfume lemon. "There is a threshold for agricultural technology, and I hope that there are professional services for agricultural social service companies." Peng Yijin introduced that different from ordinary field crops, lemon and ruby ​​green pomelo, etc. Seed seedlings, diseases and insect pest control, formula fertilization, and branches and leaves trimming. Once the management is not in place in the early stage, all investment may be drifted.

Xintang Village Agricultural Custody Demonstration Base

After learning about the needs of growers such as Peng Yijin, the work team actively assisted Xin'an Town to introduce the national agricultural production custody service demonstration organization -Maoming Xianglong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. The newly planted ruby ​​blue pomelo base in the society provides custody services such as pests and insects, fertilizers, and branches pruning.

"If there is no professional custodian unit to undertake the key links of the production of special crops, social capital dare not rush to the countryside to invest in and operate agriculture." Wen Jinjun introduced that most of the villagers, like Peng Yijin, have experience and management experience, but lack professional agricultural agricultural agriculture The technology, after introducing the problems of the production custody unit to solve the problems of all aspects of production, can make them return to their hometown and put them into rural rejuvenation at ease.

At the same time, the work team assisted the Xin'an Town Government to introduce agricultural companies such as Maoming Yuemei Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Maoming Gu Tianxia Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., and Favorite Pharmaceutical (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. The situation of the enterprise has taken a key step in the development of the fruit industry in Xin'an Town.

"The development of the fruit industry in Xin'an Town, it is not enough to rely on the introduction of several companies or revitalizing several cooperatives. It also needs to extend the fruit industry chain and establish a comprehensive service platform that serves the whole town." Kong Lingchen introduced that they are speeding up to promote promotion Xintang Village Fruit Exquisite Processing Factory Construction, raising the construction of agricultural youth entrepreneurial incubation parks and Bai Guo Fuxiang Industry Research Institute, will provide fruit processing, scientific and technological innovation, product testing, production custody, and skill training for the development of the fruit industry in Xin'an Town , Agricultural Pei Popular, e -commerce logistics and smart party building services.

[Reporter] Yang Junpeng

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