Hengdong, Hunan: "Three -color" fusion draws the "splendid volume" of rural revitalization

Author:Yueyang.com Time:2022.07.06

In recent years, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Branch) of Hengdong County, Hengyang City has actively integrated into the overall strategic service situation of rural revitalization, relying on party building red, ecological green, and civilized blue "three colors" to integrate the development layout, and draw the "brilliant volume" of rural revitalization.

Inherit the red gene "red"

Revolutionary traditional education should start with dolls, not only pay attention to knowledge irrigation, but also strengthen emotional cultivation, so that red genes penetrate into blood, immerse themselves, and guide the majority of young people to establish a correct world view, outlook on life, and values. As a backing unit in the rural rejuvenation of Pengyuan Town, the Hengdong County Bureau (branch) has set up a volunteer service team in Tonghang, moved the "cloud classroom" into the countryside, leads children to learn party classes, and uses local red resources to allow mountainous areas to allow mountainous areas In the "cloud", the child entered the hometown of Marshal, watched the cultural relics, pictures and historical materials displayed by the memorial hall, understood the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, and personally experienced the local red humanistic feelings.

"Most young people in the village go out to work, and most of the elderly and children are left. For the convenience of teaching management, children aged 6-14 are mixed in a class. Children have less contact with the outside world. Knowledge is to give them the best gifts ... "Teacher Yao, who taught in the ruling village for two years, said with emotion.

Since continuing the task of rural revitalization, Hengdong Tobacco has successively launched a series of activities such as "building dreams and warmth" and "red education into the country classroom". Encourage children to love the party to love the country, work hard and learn, and enhance their skills. In the future, they will become the useful talents of the country. The happy smiles are overflowing with the children's face. By paying attention to the special group of "left -behind children", leading adolescents with red education resources and red spirit, and using red culture to influence teenagers, let children deeply pour the "roots" and "soul" of red genes, and strive to take the rural revitalization and nation. Newcomers in the era.

Stimulate the development of industrial vitality "green"


The rush village of Pengyuan Town is located in the remote mountainous areas of Hengdong County. The total area of ​​the village is 13.8 square kilometers, with a total of 2,425 villagers. The rice planting has always been the main source of local villagers' family income. Since the Hengdong County Bureau (branch), as the assistance unit of the village of the village, it has many times to the village to learn about the actual difficulties and problems of the villagers. The help team jointly studied and formulated a plan to promote revitalization with industrial development, and selected the Chinese herbal medicine "Bo Luo Hui" as the key development industry of the village, and invested in assistance funds to solve problems such as flat land and water irrigation. The scale of the planting industry has been large -scale and continuous, and the farmers' income is effectively increased and the motivation is added to the revitalization of townships.

"This large green in front of you is a Boshi. Don't look at the leaves now that are not large. It can grow one meter high in a month. The leaves can be widely harvested for five years for one year. The villagers increased their income in the "Secretary of the" Division Village Branch, Pei Pei, who was happily introduced to us.

Bo Luo is a herbal medicine, and it is also the main raw material extraction of antibiotics. It has high medicinal value and is widely used. At present, the market demand is very large. Under the leadership of village cadres and party members, the villagers have participated in planting, and now there are more than 40 acres of planting area in the village. Villagers' cooperatives signed cooperation agreements with local pharmaceutical factories, and their sales are not worried.

Ecological immersion, industrial red. The green industry is a brush, and it is free to paint the colorful scrolls of the countryside.

Guarding the "blue" of the civilization of rural wind governance


Policies preach at the door of the masses, public opinion at the door of the masses, contradictions are resolved at the door of the masses, and developed at the door of the masses. Sorrow "" was resolved.

"What are the epidemic prevention measures from the village to the county seat, can you preach?" "Villagers have no entertainment activities and can it organize?" Before sitting in the house, the villagers say a word, starting from the actual situation around them, and spoken around the problems of rural governance.

In response to the opinions and suggestions made by everyone, the Hengdong County Bureau (branch) jointly resident village assistance unit actively promoted the innovation of rural governance methods, established grid management, and gives full play to the role of party members, villagers to move the customs and promote the new style. Built on the grid, the party members are "full coverage", party members participate in the "full coverage" of volunteer posts, improve the civil affairs treaties, and actively advocate new civilizations such as piety and piety, neighborhood harmony, seeing righteousness, and abide by the laws and laws. Serving health, knowledge, and warmth serve the public welfare activities, continuously improve the literary literacy of villagers, promote changes in ideological and moral fashion, and consolidate civilization consensus.

The gorgeous revitalization scrolls are inseparable from the clever combination of color. Through the integration of "traffic and blue", the Hengdong County Bureau (branch) draws a magnificent picture of rural blue, water clearing, Jiamei, and rich people.

(Li Jie)

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