[Entrusted new journey to build a new era, study and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Par

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.13

Hou Wanfeng

Optimize the income distribution system, improve the employment and entrepreneurial system, build a high -quality education system, continue to promote the construction of healthy Gansu, and improve the multi -level social security system.

The Fourteenth Party Congress of the Provincial Party pointed out that it is necessary to unswervingly promote the protection of people's livelihood and social construction, so that the people to live a more quality life. New changes to the main contradictions of society, in accordance with the people's new expectations of the people's good life, Gansu must closely follow the "three new and one high" requirements, adhere to the people -centered development ideas, and continue to improve the level of people's livelihood in high -quality development. It is continuously promoting the cultivation of children, learning and teaching, income from labor, medical treatment, old -age care, living in living, living, weakness, and gaining new progress.

Optimize the income distribution system. Improve the linkage mechanism for economic development and income growth, improve the income distribution system, and adhere to the coexistence of the distribution of labor as the main body and multiple distribution methods, increase the proportion of labor compensation in the initial distribution, and focus Increase the income of low and medium -income groups. Focusing on universities and vocational colleges, graduates, skill -oriented workers, migrant workers, etc., expand the proportion of middle -income groups and increase low -income group income. Improve the support policies of small and micro entrepreneurs, and support groups such as individual industrial and commercial households, flexible employees and other groups. Improve the distribution system in accordance with the factors, and improve the mechanism of the production factors such as knowledge, technology, management, and data shall be contributed by the market evaluation and determine the compensation according to the contribution. Through the reform of the agricultural land system, the property income of the relatively poor people in rural areas is increased.

Improve the employment and entrepreneurial system. Strengthen employment priority, coordinate urban and rural employment policies, expand employment capacity, enhance employment quality, focus on employment of college graduates, actively guide rural labor employment, expand market -oriented social employment channels, support service industries with strong employment, small and medium -sized enterprises develop. We will improve the employment and public service system covering urban and rural areas, build a normalized aid mechanism for stabilizing the job, and encourage social forces to participate in employment services. We will improve the system of urban and rural employment assistance, use public welfare positions to support employment, and give priority to support and focus on helping urban and rural employment difficulties. Establish and improve the long -term mechanism for entrepreneurship to drive employment support, increase support for start -up entities, and support people such as migrant workers and other people to return to their hometowns and start their own businesses. Promote the flexible employment of multi -channel channels, focus on promoting the improvement of new employment form skills and employment promotion projects, and strengthen employment services for flexible employees. Continue to carry out vocational skills training, especially to increase special training in key groups and key industries, and expand vocational skills training for new format employees.

Build a high -quality education system. Adhere to the direction of socialist schooling, implement the fundamental tasks of the people in Lindu, reasonably allocate educational resources, improve the coordinated education mechanism, and promote the comprehensive development of people in order to educate modernization. Improve the "10+1" education high -quality development system covering the "five education" and educational evaluation. Deepen the comprehensive reform of the field of education, increase the implementation of the implementation of high -quality balance, vocational education quality, quality and excellent, higher education connotation construction, teachers' ability quality projects, and promote high -quality equilibrium education and various development characteristics of high school education. Increase the "double first -class" university and the "double first -class" discipline construction of Lanzhou University and the provincial university to enhance the comprehensive strength of higher education. Continue to deepen the "double reduction" work and comprehensively improve the conditions for running school running for rural schools.

Continue to promote the construction of healthy Gansu. Ensure the development of the people's health priority, improve the policies of national health, weave a public health protection network, promote the transition centered on the cure of the disease to the center of health, and protect people's health in a full -all cycle. Improve the management system and medical and health service system of modern hospitals, lay out the construction of a national regional medical center, improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and promote the expansion and balance development of high -quality medical resources. Strengthen the construction of public health emergency capabilities, focus on strengthening the construction of provincial and municipal specialty hospitals, provincial public health medical centers, provincial centralized isolation bases, and major epidemic treatment bases. Continue to deepen the reform of the medical and health system, highlight the "three medical linkage" reform joint efforts and superimposed effects; accelerate the construction of a strong province of Chinese medicine, and create a full life cycle service Chinese medicine system. Promote the "Internet+Medical Health" model, improve the disease prevention and control system, and improve the ability of public health emergency response and medical treatment.

Improve multi -level social security system. Adhere to the bottom line, weaving, and building mechanisms, and improve the multi -level social security system that covers the entire population, coordinate urban and rural areas, fair, unified, and sustainable. Improve the basic endowment insurance system for enterprise employees, improve the pension insurance system of institutions and institutions, and implement the treatment of basic endowment insurance for employees and policies for diseased allowances. Develop a multi -level and multi -pillar endowment insurance system, improve the basic endowment insurance of urban and rural residents, the land acquisition farmers participate in the basic endowment insurance policy, implement the system of basic endowment insurance subsidy system for urban and rural residents, and do a good job in the connection of the retired military insurance system. Continue to expand the coverage of work injury insurance, and promote the protection of professional damage of the platform for flexible employment. Adapt to the development of new formats in the employment market, and improve the social insurance system for flexible employment personnel. Continue to strengthen the work of "one small and one old" people's livelihood, implement the three -child fertility policy, organize inclusive care services, and promote the development of aging cause and pension industry. Ensure the legitimate rights and interests of women, minors, and disabled, and support the healthy development of social organizations, volunteer services, public welfare charity and other undertakings.

(The author is the director and researcher of the Institute of Public Policy of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences)

Editor in charge: Li Yuefan

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