Tang Poseidal Garden: One Courtyard, One Village, One Village and One Rhyme

Author:Tangyin Rong Media Time:2022.07.06

Look up to see the blue, look down and see the green, push the window to see the scenery. In Dongjie Village, Caiyuan Town, a small ocean building is neatly planned. In recent years, Dongjie Village has created the "Beautiful Court" as the starting point, giving full play to the role of party organization's fighting fortress and the role of women's "half of the sky", vigorously carried out the living environment of the human settlement, and dressed as "one courtyard and one scene" to create "one courtyard and one scene" to create a "one "Village a rhyme" turns the blueprint of the beautiful countryside into reality.

Walking on the garden roads in groups of green plants, there are hundreds of kinds of large and small plants that are large and small, and they are a popular botanical garden. The spacious and clean roads, lush sidewalk trees, and poetic cultural walls are like a beautiful rural landscape painting. Everything in front of you is the excellent transcript of the Twenty CPPCC in Dongjie Village's living environment.

"Lvshu Village is together, Qingshan Guo is oblique." Entering the villager Miao Yanli's family, the exquisite Xiaoyang buildings came into view, and changed the scene. Every courtyard was full of surprises. The hostess loves to raise flowers. After the two children went to school, she turned into a courtyard designer. She packed the small garden at home and raised some flowers and grass. A courtyard has become a landscape. The unique courtyard and the flowers on the side of the road complement each other, forming a beautiful rural scroll. Dongjie Village is located in the town. The creation of the beautiful courtyard also drives the "night economy", attracting the facade of the masses, and effectively driving economic development.

It is reported that the Dongjie Village of Caiyuan Town focuses on "characteristics"+"beautiful" adaptation of local conditions, tap the characteristics of the village, and uses "five beauty" as the standard, and closely focuses on "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural style civilization, effective governance, rich life". " The general requirements of the rural revitalization strategy, starting from the beautiful courtyard, advocating civilization, improving the quality of life, and contributing to the construction of beautiful rural areas. One by one, "Beautiful Court" with a value and temperament blooms in Dongjie Village! East Street Village will help the countryside truly "prosperous" through a clean and tidy environment, civilized and harmonious rural style. (Correspondent: Wang Zhiping)

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