2022 China International Travel Fair | 2022 China International Tourism Fair preparations progress smoothly

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.07.06

On July 3, the reporter learned from the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism that the 2022 China International Tourism Fair related working group was ready, and preparations for preparations such as epidemic prevention and control, exhibition area layout, exhibition investment, and theme activities were progressing smoothly.

交易会现场将设置文化和旅游形象展示区、健康生活目的地展区、体育旅游展区、文化和旅游消费展区、国内各省(区、市)文旅形象展示区、国内文旅企业展区、文博展区、 Smart tourism exhibition area, new tourism business exhibition area, overseas tourism exhibition area, etc. Among them, for the first time in the meeting, the Smart Tourism Innovation and Development Forum was held, and the Wenbo exhibition area was added. Through online and offline integration, the buyer and seller's exhibition experience and the benefits of the exhibition were improved to achieve "different wonderful". The exhibition area is about 70,000 square meters, and about 2,500 standard booths. As of now, more than 70 countries and regions (online and offline) have been exhibited overseas, including Britain, South Korea, and Thailand. There are 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China, with more than 200 cultural and tourism institutions and enterprises.

The participating institutions involved a wider range of industries and more exhibitors. Baidu, Ali, Tencent, China Telecom, China Unicom and other outstanding technology companies will participate in the exhibition, which will fully display the latest applications and achievements of smart tourism; the National Board Unit of the Forbidden City Museum and a number of provincial and municipal cultural units will participate New power and new prospects of brigade integration. In addition, the addition of airlines, equipment manufacturing, tourism, cultural and creative and other related enterprises will effectively promote the integration of culture, tourism, and technology, and help the exhibition high quality.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, at the beginning of this year, Yunnan Province took the lead in the nation's nationwide to introduce 13 sidelines for the cultural travel industry and 20 measures to support restoration development. develop. At present, the policy effect has been initially emerged, and the tourism market has gradually recovered. At the same time, Yunnan is vigorously cultivating and creating a new business format and new products and new products to meet the needs of tourists' pursuit of ecology, health, and safety. Borrowing the opportunity of the 2022 China International Tourism Fair in Kunming, more exhibitors and tourists will have the opportunity to experience the infinite charm of colorful Yunnan.

(Origin from "Yunnan Daily")

Responsible editor: Gou Xiaoqing

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