[Gansu Jinchang] The Taxation Bureau of Jinchang Economic and Technological Development Zone with civilization creates high quality development

Author:Jinchang Daily Time:2022.07.06

In recent years, the Taxation Bureau of the Jinchang Economic and Technological Development Zone has always carried the construction of spiritual civilization throughout the aspects of party affairs, doing good taxes, and bringing in all aspects of the team, condensing, reality, and promoting new leaps and making new progress.

The Taxation Bureau of the Economic Development Zone has strengthened softness and hardware construction, focusing on improving office conditions, improving internal safety management systems such as fire protection, water and electricity, and effectively preventing hidden dangers.In order to solve the taxpayer of the development zone to handle taxes, the overall relocation to the development zone, the tax office entered the government affairs hall in the development zone, helping the development zone to be improved.Give full play to the role of "expert counseling and answering teams", transform the "list of problems" of the difficulty of doing taxes in the enterprise into a "satisfaction list" with high efficiency and smooth tax handling, and explore the effective measures that can continue to print multiple invoices in accordance with the platform's information volume.Greatly improve the efficiency of work.Sending a timely payment of tax and fee documents and online applications for online application, so that taxpayers can enjoy tax dividends without leaving home, and achieve "interrogation collaboration".

Text: Zhao Xinwei

Edit: Yu chrysanthemum

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