Enter the county seat to see the development of 16 | 25 construction tasks to promote the development of the county seat

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.07.06

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Promoting Urbanization Construction with the County as an important carrier" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). , Specific tasks, policy guarantees, etc. have made comprehensive system deployment. Promoting the construction of county town is of great significance to promote the construction of new types of urbanization and build a new type of worker, peasants, and urban and rural areas.

Aiming at the problem and establish a goal

Data show that at the end of 2021, the permanent population of counties in 1,472 counties in China was about 160 million, and the resident population of 394 county -level cities was about 90 million. %, Counties and county -level cities accounted for about 65%of the number of county -level administrative regions. "Promoting the construction of the county town is conducive to guiding agriculture to transfer the population near urbanization, and improve the urbanized space layout of the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and small towns." Said the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission.

At present, the development of Chinese counties still face a certain degree of constraints. The person in charge admits that the industrial platforms of many counties are relatively weak and the supporting facilities are not complete. There are also problems such as old pipe networks, insufficient road network capacity, and poor supporting facilities in the municipal public facilities. Population bearing capacity and attractiveness.

In this regard, the "Opinions" proposes to cultivate 25 construction tasks in 5 aspects of 5 aspects of cultivation of county towns characteristic and advantageous industries, improving the municipal facilities system, strengthening public service supply, improving the quality of the living environment, and promoting the complement of the county's rural functions. In the year, an important progress made with the urbanization construction of the county seat as an important carrier. The shortcomings of the county seat were further reinforced and reinforced. The construction has achieved obvious results, the allocation of public resources is basically matched with the size of the permanent population, the development and growth of the characteristic and advantageous industries, the municipal facilities are basically complete, the public services have been comprehensively improved, the living environment has been effectively improved, the comprehensive carrying capacity is significantly enhanced. Expansion, the quality of life of county residents has improved significantly.

"The construction task proposed by the" Opinions "not only highlights the shortcomings of the county's shortcomings, but also emphasizes to inject continuous driving force into the development of the county." Wang Dawei, deputy director of the Promotion Center of the Business Environment Promotion Center of the National Development and Reform Commission.

Category guidance, clear path

The county seats are large, there are many types, and the development paths are different. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated that it is necessary to respect the laws of the development of the county, conform to the trend of the flow of population flow in the county, and based on the resource and environmental carrying capacity, location conditions, industrial foundation, and functional positioning, coordinate the needs of county production, life, ecology, and safety, and reasonably determine different types of different types The development path of the county seat.

The first is to accelerate the development of counties around the big cities, support counties in urban agglomerations and urban circles, integrate into the construction of neighboring large cities, and develop into satellite counties with convenient commutation, complementary functions, and industrial supporting in close cities.

The second is to actively cultivate professional functional counties. "The counties with good resource endowment, industrial foundation, and traffic conditions can rely on their own advantages to develop characteristic pillar industries. It is an important carrier to absorb agriculture to transfer the population to the nearest urbanization." It is believed that this type of county should be supported by professional specialties, developed into professional functional counties such as advanced manufacturing, business circulation, and cultural tourism, and support the improvement of infrastructure in the border county.

The third is to reasonably develop counties in the main producing area of ​​agricultural products. Gao Guoli said that it is necessary to promote such counties to gather in the development of rural areas, extend the agricultural industry chain, do an excellent agricultural product processing industry and agricultural productive service industry, more absorb the agricultural transfer population in the county, and serve the "agriculture, rural areas,, rural areas, and rural areas. ", Ensure support for food security.

The fourth is to develop county towns in the key ecological functional area in an orderly manner to provide support for the protection and repair of ecological environment and building an ecological security barrier.

Fifth, guide the transformation and development of the county seat. Gao Guoli said that it is necessary to combine the development and change of urban and towns, promote the loss of people in the county to strictly control the increase in urban construction land and revitalize the stock, promote moderate concentration of population and public service resources, and strengthen people's livelihood protection and assistance assistance.

Scientific order, perfect mechanism

The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated that the construction of counties should be reasonably grasped reasonably, rhythm, and steps, focusing on cracking key difficulties in the construction of the county, improving the people, funds, land and other institutional mechanisms and policies and measures, and enhancing the sustainable development capacity of the county.

Improve the citizenship mechanism of agricultural transfer. The person in charge said that the foreign population of stable employment life is equal to the local agricultural transfer population to ensure that the newly settled population has the same public services as the county residents; The increase in the scale of urban construction land below is linked to the number of settlement of agricultural transfer population.

Establish a diverse and sustainable investment and financing mechanism. "To strengthen the investment in local fiscal funds for public welfare projects, it can be supported through the central budget investment and special bonds of local governments through the central budget." , Support the issuance of special enterprise bonds in the new type of urbanization construction of counties. "

Establish a mechanism for the use of intensive and efficient construction land to ensure the demand for normal land use in the county.During the construction of the county seat, the demonstration area first is an effective way."Since 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission has organized some counties and county -level cities with a solid foundation, strong financial strength, and low government debt rate in various regions and departments since 2020."On the basis of the work, it will summarize and promote typical experience and effective practices in a timely manner, steadily and orderly promote the construction of other counties, and form an effective path of urbanization construction with county seats as an important carrier.Gao Guoli believes that scientific and orderly promotes the development of the county, and should also strengthen planning and leadership, excavating characteristic advantages, and overall development and safety."It is necessary to scientifically compile and improve the construction plan, and in accordance with the principle of 'lack of supplement', to clarify the construction focus, guarantee measures, and organizational implementation methods, accurately supplement the shortcomings, and prevent blindly repeating construction."

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