Tianshan Review 丨 "Professional undergraduate" is not to set the academic qualifications for the Golden Border

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.06

Hou Hui

For 521 students from Xinjiang Tianshan Vocational and Technical University, this is a happy graduation season. A few days ago, they were awarded our first batch of bachelor's degree in vocational degree in our district. The improvement of vocational education status is a good thing. However, we must also be soberly seen that the undergraduate of the vocational degree is not simply setting the academic qualifications, but more importantly, the characteristics and quality are used to truly improve the gold content and attractiveness.

For a long time, society has prejudice and discrimination of vocational education. The newly revised "Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China" on May 1 this year was officially implemented. For the first time, the vocational education and ordinary education have the same important position in legal form. This is undoubtedly a serious life for many vocational colleges and universities students. Plastic. The 521 bachelor's degree in Tianshan Vocational and Technical University of Xinjiang is the first beneficiary. At the graduation ceremony, they are wearing the same bachelor's uniform and enjoying the same moving scene as the general undergraduate graduates. In the future of low and dwarfs, the vast vocational education graduates will move their heads to a wider life stage.

On July 2nd, at the first undergraduate graduation ceremony and bachelor's degree awarding ceremony of the first undergraduate graduation ceremony of the Tianshan Vocational and Technical University, the professors allocated the first undergraduate graduates. Reporter Zhao Siya Photo

Blacksmith need its own hardware. Promoting undergraduate education, education is only the first step. Vocational education must not stay at the level of giving academic qualifications, but to truly improve the quality of school running, cultivate the talents needed for social development, and open the situation in the employment market, in order to completely eliminate prejudice and stereotypes in order to relieve parents Anxiety about children's future. The quality of vocational undergraduates is not only the need for the realization of high -quality development of vocational education itself, but also the inevitable requirement to better meet the people's high -quality education and employment needs.

Occupation undergraduate quality, the construction of teachers is an important starting point. In the past, the reason why vocational education was "poorly criticized" was not related to the shortage of teachers. To improve the quality of school running, first of all, there must be a group of talents with deep theoretical literacy and excellent practical ability to serve as full -time teachers; encourage teachers to study, and continue to improve theoretical level and technical literacy. Secondly, it is necessary to build a deep integration platform for school enterprises, hire the company's enterprise skills master to work and part -time jobs, and bring new technologies and technologies and technologies to vocational education.

Professional undergraduate quality, professional settings should keep up with the needs of high -quality development. Vocational education is the most closely linked type of education with economic and social development. The soul that improves the quality of school is professional characteristics. The government and enterprises should strengthen the linkage in the professional settings of vocational colleges, take industrial upgrading as the criterion, and dynamically adjust the professionalism based on the preset key indicators. Brands and specialty education majors.

Occupation undergraduate quality, to cultivate the application type, composite, innovative technical and technical talents required for the times. Vocational colleges must not only cultivate students 'innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability, but also to cultivate students' pursuit and practice craftsmanship, stimulate them to become the pursuit of skillful craftsmen in all walks of life. At the same time, students in vocational colleges should understand that it is not yesterday that decided to achieve tomorrow, but every struggle today! The bachelor's degree is not a layer of "gold -plated". Only by cherishing the hard work of light and hard work can we truly "cultivate gold".

Vocational colleges and universities get a bachelor's degree certificate and obtain a degree. Only the start of the quality of the training quality and the full gold content of the professional undergraduate can enhance the competitiveness of employment. Only by the needs of economic and social development Only by the recognition of vocational undergraduate schools, vocational education can truly raise his eyebrows.

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