Implementing social security slow payment helps to relieve difficulties and solve difficulties

Author:Putian News Time:2022.07.06 Recently, the state, provinces, and municipalities successively issued a phased social insurance premium policy, expanded the scope of implementation, extended the period of slow payment, and was well received by the widespread concern of society and difficulties in difficulties.

The reporter saw in the Hall of the Medical Insurance Social Security Office of the Xianyou County Administrative Service Center that many enterprises and flexible employees came to a phased slow payment window to apply for a social security and slow payment business. According to the relevant requirements of the superiors, on the basis of the implementation of 3 social premium policies on the implementation of 5 specialty industries for catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, and highway waterway railway transportation, the city has added agricultural and sideline food processing industries, printing and printing and printing. Recording 17 slow -paying industries including the media replication industry. In addition, in 2022, it was included in the high -risk zone in the epidemic, and a closed management area such as the prevention and control zone of the wind control control. Affected by the epidemic, all small and medium -sized enterprises that temporarily difficulty in production and operation can also apply for social security premiums. Xianyou County and other counties and districts have run the window of the administrative service center to open special windows for approval of bailout enterprises, and give priority to relevant businesses.

According to Lin Huibin, the business office of Xianyou County Social Labor Insurance Center, in the phased sub -payment of corporate social insurance premiums, the reissue time of the enterprise endowment insurance is not later than the end of May 2023. Five of the five specialty industries in unemployment insurance and work injury insurance shall not be later than 2023 later 2023 At the end of April of the year; the repayment time for the 17 expansion of difficulties was not later than the end of June 2023, and the time to pay for small and medium -sized enterprises was no later than the end of January 2023. It is reminded that the three social premiums are eased, which is limited to the partial part of the enterprise that should be paid by the enterprise, and the enterprise should still deduct the personal payment part of the employee. (Meizhou Daily reporter Lin Yuhan)

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