The average daily entry and exit stream of more than 20,000 people arrived in the summer, and the passenger flow of Hangzhou South Railway Station rose obviously. Time:2022.07.06

With the resumption of the national epidemic prevention and control situation and the coming season of summer tourism, the daily daily passenger flow of Hangzhou South Railway Station has increased, and the average daily entry and exit stations have reached 20,000. The arrival is still gradually rising.

"At present, the passenger flow of the South Railway Station is mainly based on the travel, relatives and students in the province. Because the colleges and China colleges have not been completely holiday now, we expect that the entire passenger flow will have a gradual rise." Hangzhou South Station Wu Shuai, a staff member of the Urban Management Department of the Management Committee. "According to the current requirements of Hangzhou's normalized nucleic acid testing, we will also remind passengers at the station to conduct a free nucleic acid test at Hangzhou South Station with train tickets."

During the summer transportation, Hangzhou South Station continued to implement measures to prevent and control measures for normalized epidemic conditions, do a good job of inspecting the warm and bright code of passengers entering and exiting the station, and reminding passengers to regulate wearing masks and queuing to maintain a "one -meter line". At the same time, according to real -time passenger flow, passenger channels have changed from the original single channel to dual channels, and bayonet workers are added.

In order to be more intimate and thoughtful, good service passengers, Hangzhou South Standing at the East, West Exit Station, and Dongguang Subway inlet, there are 4 "colorful travel travel to Hangzhou" exhibition board to provide passengers with 18 in Hangzhou. Popular line navigation signature. For extreme weather in the summer, it is equipped with emergency heatstroke prevention items such as Huoxiangzhengqi water and disinfection alcohol at Hangnan -Yiyi · Smilers, Medical Points, etc., in order to prepare passengers from time to time.

Here, the Management Committee of Hangzhou South Station also reminds passengers and parents to do a good job of self -protection and children's protection while traveling during the summer, and wear a mask; choose to take public transport while traveling, reject "black car" and "ox", and "black car" and "ox". Civilization and orderly travel. ( reporter Fang Jianfei Correspondent Du Kehui)

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