Endeming the new journey to build a new era · Great change 丨 "Tianhe" northwater water Qin

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.13

Xinhua News Agency, Zhengzhou, June 13th.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xingjun

In June, the pomegranate flowers like fire. In the pomegranate park in Zhanghe Village, Jiuzhong Town, Xichuan County, Henan Province, Zhang Xingguo, 64, and management and caregivers, branched, bagged, watering ...

"Not only to maintain income and water conservation, and this pomegranate in the mountains stands up." Zhang Xingguo said.

In June 2021, the farmers of the Xichuan farmers were in the pomegranate garden near the head of the middle line of the South Water to the North. (Photo Conferry at the Propaganda Department of Xichuan County Party Committee)

Zhanghe Village is the first village that flows through the water exit of the South -to -North Water Diversion Middle Line. In the past, pepper planting was a local rich pillar industry. With the construction of the central line project of the South -to -North Water Diversion, ensuring that the safety of water quality has become the top priority, it is necessary to completely solve the problems of fertilizer fertilizer in pepper planting, soil pollution caused by pesticides, and exceeding the standard of water quality ammonia nitrogen.

In order to ensure that the water is safe to the north, after many investigations, the village decided to introduce a leading agricultural company, the whole village circulated land, adjusted the planting structure, and applied organic fertilizer uniformly ... "Pepper Village" transformed into a "pomegranate village".

"After the land flow was inoculated on the pomegranate, the farmers realized the" one place to give birth to three gold "." Zhang Jiaxiang, the secretary of the party branch of Zhanghe Village, calculated the income account for reporters: one is the land contract for 800 yuan per acre; the other is "anti -" Rent "Gold, the villagers" anti -packaging "orchard from the company's hands, responsible for weeding, trimming, picking, etc., each per mu can get the maximum labor cost of 720 yuan; the third is the commission of the orchard planting income. , The highest can be made of 1 yuan.

In June 2021, tourists watched pomegranate flowers in the pomegranate garden near the head of the southwater transfer mid -line engineering canal in Xichuan County. (Photo Conferry at the Propaganda Department of Xichuan County Party Committee)

In this way, the local pomegranate industry is getting bigger and bigger, and the planting area reaches 18,000 mu. Due to the "anti -rental pour" orchard, Zhang Xingguo was also hired by the company as the head of the area with a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan.

The change of Zhanghe Village is an example of the transformation and development of the Henan section of the South -to -North Water Diversion.

On December 12, 2014, the first phase of the first phase of the South Water -to -North Diversion Middle Line was officially opened, which effectively changed the water supply pattern of northern my country. Data from the Henan Provincial Department of Water Resources show that as of the end of 2021, the project has accumulated 15.054 billion cubic meters of water to Henan Province, of which 3 billion cubic meters of ecological water replenishment, high -quality Danjiang Shui Hui and 11 provinces municipalities, 43 counties in counties, 43 counties in counties, and 43 counties in counties and counties. And 26 million people from 101 towns.

The head of the South -to -North Water Diversion Middle Line Project in Xichuan County, Henan Province overlooks. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jianan)

As the largest water area of ​​the project, Henan adheres to the road of ecological priority and green development, and the high -quality development of the city agglomeration along the dry canal composes a new chapter.

Located on the head of the canal, over 90 % of the land is scattered into the red line of the water source. In order to protect the water from the north, while spending strong gas and pollution, the local area has built 32 boutique ecological sightseeing demonstration parks along the Danjiang River in the South Water, allowing 65,000 canal farmers to put a "ecological bowl", driving 1.2 1.2 Thousands of poor households have poverty alleviation, and the average annual income of households has increased by nearly 20,000 yuan. Nanyang City, where Xichuan is located, is based on ecological advantages, vigorously develops organic agriculture, and successfully steps out of a green and coordinated development path of clearing the people.

With the help of the South -to -North Water Diversion Middle Line Project, Xuchang City "uses water as a media" to ensure that residents' drinking water, coordinate various types of water resources, and plan to connect 82 kilometers around the urban river, 5 cities lakes and 4 pieces of water forests. "The City of Fatty" has become a "city of moisturizing". The local ecological priority forced traditional industries and accelerated local economy, and the largest recycling and utilization base of recycling resources north of the Yangtze River was built.

Central Park, Xuchang City, Henan Province. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jianan)

The story of Anyang, located in northern Henan, was widely known for the construction of Hongqi canal due to the lack of water. Today, the ecological replenishment of ecological water replenishment in the southwater and north water not only makes the super -mining groundwater compensated, the water level has been rebounded, and the river clear coast has also been created. Essence

"Tianhe" is flowing north, moisturizing and vast. The relevant person in charge of China South Water and North Diversion Group Middle Line Co., Ltd. said that for related provinces and cities along the route, the mid -line water supply provides solid support for local economic and social development, and it will further benefit hundreds of millions of people along the route in the future.

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