The Police Police of the Court of Cross in the Cross Surge

Author:Henan Daily Rural Version Time:2022.07.06

On the afternoon of July 5, 2022, Wei Junpeng, Feng Qingwei, Song Shuzhou, and Zhan Tianyang of the Judicial Police Brigade of the Qixian People's Court went to the city detention center to perform the accident scene on the way to perform the accident.

When the vehicle was driving to the west intersection of Yangzhai Village Village, Xinglong Township, Xiangfu District, an electric tricycle crossed the road. Because the small truck was not observed, the two cars collided, and the electric vehicle was crashed and turned over at the knockout. land. Seeing this, Wei Junpeng and others got off the bus to rescue. While spanning to the vehicle, he called the 110s to call the police; while looking at the situation in the car, he rescued the person in the car. In addition to the grandmother in the carriage, a little girl and a little boy under the age of two. They were hanging in their feet and was shocked, and they kept crying. The police quickly lifted the tram, rescued the three of their grandchildren from the car, and checked the injuries of the three. The three of them were scratched on their arms and legs. Feng Qingwei took out the first aid bag carried with the car and helped the three of them to clean up the wound. Seeing that the two children in the car were younger, they were frightened, and they softly appeased the emotions of the two children.

Seeing the children's peace and sound, the old grandmother was so excited that she was crying, and I kept saying thank you for the police officers. Police officers said that when they encountered difficulties, they should do it. After the danger was lifted, the comrades did not forget to tell grandma when they were leaving to abide by the traffic rules.

It is reported that the dean has been carefully creating a business card created by the promotion of "Qi Fa" as a business card for a long time to stimulate the sense of mission and responsibility of the police. Over the years, the police officers of the hospital have been inherited for a long time to see the spirit of righteousness and poverty alleviation. Good people and good things have emerged endlessly. Police officers came forward when they encountered difficulties in the people, spreading the positive energy of society with ordinary actions, and promoting new civilization. (Li Bing)

Review: He Xin editor: Muzi

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