The first in the country!In the first half of the year, the passenger throughput of Chengdu Aviation Hub was released

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.06

On July 6, the reporter learned from the China Civil Aviation Southwest Regional Authority that as of the end of June, Chengdu Aviation Hub completed a total of 144,000 transportation and landing, 15.842 million passenger throughput, and 313,000 tons of cargo and postal throughput, which was year -on -year, respectively. The decrease of 16.4%, 33.4%, and 2.1%, of which the number of transport and landing racks and passenger throughput ranked first among cities across the country.

With the gradual recovery and summer transportation of the recent production, two daily flights and landings in Chengdu area have been taken off and landing of 1261, surpassing the highest -operating history of the dual -current airport, and the "1+1> 2" collaborative effect gradually appeared.

Since the beginning of this year, the Sichuan Provincial Airport Group has thoroughly implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Civil Aviation Administration, coordinated with the prevention and control of epidemics, and coordinated the operation of Tianfu International Airport and Shuangliu International Airport. Double -flow airport focuses on the development of fineization and builds a boutique business route. The average daily plan of the "Beishangguang, Guangshen Lauru" boutique route has increased by 8.9 percentage points year -on -year; continuously introduced leading logistics companies, and increased the number of passengers such as Libra, Prague, Istanbul, Sao Paulo and other guests. Reform the cargo route, the newly opened Brucell's full freight route, promote the growth rate of the cargo development, and make every effort to ensure the smooth flow of transportation and logistics, and promote the stability of the industrial chain supply chain. According to the positioning of the main hub airport, Tianfu Airport successfully completed the transfer of three seasons flights. At 32 of the Fei Airlines Department, 202 routes were opened, and a widely -covered and closely connected route network was basically constructed. In the past year, Tianfu Airport has completed a total of more than 10 million passenger throughput. It has won the fourth domestic and the first "Skytrax Five Star Airport" certification in the Southwest.

Sichuan Provincial Airport Group will continue to deploy in accordance with the work of the Civil Aviation Administration, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and restore production, give full play to the leading role of the Chengdu International Aviation Hub, promote the coordinated development of dry branches in the region, and contribute to the construction of the world -class airport group in Chengdu -Chongqing Essence

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