Foshan: The strictest traffic rectification!Summer drunk drunk driving for centralized rectification 100 -day actions to start

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.07

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zhang Wen correspondent Xin Yuqi

In order to ensure the continuous smooth and smooth situation of road traffic safety in Foshan, the increase in the summer citizens' cooling summer, gathering dinner and entertainment, etc., drunk drunk drunk driving is prone to multiple occurrences. From July to the end of September, the Foshan Traffic Police Department launched a 100 -day operation of summer drunk driving drunk driving in the city.

Since the beginning of this year, the Foshan Traffic Police has launched the most stringent traffic rectification operation. The traffic police department has picked up its strikes, strengthened key traffic illegal rectification, and normalized the special governance of motorcycle transportation violations. Special rectification operation of super fatigue. From January to June this year, the number of traffic accidents, the number of deaths, and injuries in the city fell by 22%, 11%, and 32%year -on -year.

Foshan Traffic Police conducts drunk driving operations

In this summer, the centennial operation of drunk driving drunk driving is mainly during the key period of high incidence of high incidences and suspension accidents on weekends, holidays, and alcohol -related traffic accidents. For key sections such as the roads around Nongjiale, the focus of driving violations such as drunk driving and drunk driving for motor vehicles, motorcycles, and electric bicycle drivers is the focus.

According to statistics, since this year, half of the deaths caused by wine -related traffic accidents in the city are due to Damo Driving Driving. To this end, the Foshan Traffic Police will continue to increase efforts to work together to strictly investigate the violations of wine -related traffic.

Among them, the Foshan Public Security Traffic Police will strengthen the investigation and control of drunk drunk driving through the police linkage, the police, mobile inspections, random inspections, peak service, and relay rectification. While investigating drunk drunk driving, traffic violations such as super -free, non -wearing helmets, no seat belts, illegal modifications, and fake card decks will also be the focus of the Foshan Public Security Traffic Police.

In addition, the Foshan Public Security Traffic Police continued to carry out the "refusal of drunk driving" public welfare public welfare publicity and persuasion activities. Source of drunk driving firewall. After the start of the operation, the Foshan Traffic Police will cooperate with the competent dining and entertainment authorities and industry companies to conduct a new round of centralized reminder.

The Foshan Public Security Traffic Police called for their peers to supervise each other. For those who drink after drinking, they must take the initiative to help them call their driving, taxis, or call their relatives and friends to pick up and drop off.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Huang Lei

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