Dazhu County: "Ping An Rider" runs out of the acceleration of social governance

Author:Dazhou Observation Time:2022.07.07

The courier and takeaway actors "take thousands of roads and enter the thousands of houses". Propagandators and demonstrations inject vitality into the construction of Ping An Da Bamboo.

Hello, mother -in -law, I am SF Express, Dazhu County. There is a courier for you. We are a Dazhu Ping An rider. Let me tell you what strange calls are usually called you to transfer money. Don't believe it easily.

In the Baisha placement house in Baisha County, SF Express Brother is sending courier to the door while promoting anti -fraud and anti -fraud knowledge to residents. Dazhu County made full use of the career advantage of the courier and takeaway "taking thousands of roads and entering the thousands of houses", packaged the takeaway parcel and the anti -electrical fraud publicity manual, and "delivered the goods to the door" for anti -fraud knowledge.

Dazhu citizen Jiang Guidan: We usually receive this information at home, saying that there are losses on the road, calling you to add WeChat or call, he promotes this, I think we still improve our anti -fraud awareness Essence

As the urbanization process continues to accelerate, community governance and management are becoming more and more difficult. Dazhu County's innovative social governance methods, make full use of the professional characteristics of courier and takeaway groups, and familiarity with roads in the jurisdiction, set up a "Ping An Rider" service team, and play unique in clue reporting, patrol patrol control, Ping An propaganda and other aspects effect.

Ping An Rider Huang Yongmin: As a Ping An rider, this is my responsibility and my obligation. While I will do my job well, I will be a good rider and promote anti -fraud and anti -fraud and safety knowledge to more people.

Zhang Jun, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Dazhu County Party Committee: Next, we will closely focus on accelerating the goal of modernization of social governance, strengthening social governance work efficiency, improving joint prevention and control mechanisms, improving the ability of group prevention and group control, further improvement of three -dimensional society The public security prevention and control system will go all out to create a harmonious and stable social environment for the economic and social development of Dazhu County.

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