Let the city explore from Zhengzhou from "governance" to "intelligent" figures "infrastructure"

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.07.07

Elephant reporter Mi Fangjie correspondent Wang Jiejie Li Zhen

No matter how developed the economy, the cities will always have the pain of management. With the acceleration of the construction of the national central city in Zhengzhou, the construction area of ​​Zhengzhou has continued to expand its appearance. The rapidly growing urban scale has proposed huge challenges for infrastructure, public service level, and social governance capabilities ... How to make urban management more efficient and convenient, which is not only related to economy and people's livelihood, but also related to the future city. What direction will it develop.

Let cities change from "governance" to "intellectuality", and the digital "infrastructure" of Jinshui District, Zhengzhou is leading the construction of Henan smart cities. While empowering urban governance, smart applications have quietly changed people's lives and improved the level of urban governance.

Smart applications have been integrated into all aspects of citizens' lives

On July 4th, at the Digital Wise Gold Water City Operation Management Center in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, the staff opened the smart elevator scene on the system. The elevator information of the 5 pilot building courtyards in the area was immediately displayed on the main control of the main control, including the elevator of the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator, including the elevator. Floor information, number of start and stop, running acceleration, car temperature, humidity, maintenance status, etc.

"It can be accurately monitored as a small screw that it can be monitored." This smart monitoring system can monitor the various data of the elevator in real time, and then use big data analysis to determine the operating status of the elevator. Automatic warning, "said the staff. Last month, two elevator closing incidents occurred in a community. Through the smart elevator system, each rescue was completed for more than 10 minutes.

In traditional physical education teaching, problems such as "difficult records, difficult supervision, and difficult analysis" have also been effectively resolved in the smart classroom module of the Wisdom Gold Water City Operation Management Center of Jinshui District. In the video of the students standing for a long time, we can see the whole set of actions of his preparation, jumping, empty, and landing. Through the analysis of muscle groups through AI posture research, you can find that the student's swing arm is too small, and the training of the upper limb strength should be strengthened. For the student generate personal sports portrait and sports prescription.

Not only that, during the epidemic area, Jinshui District carried out different suspension activities through smart education. Weiwu Road uses intelligent correction to conduct composition reviews. In small compositions with the theme of "self -portrait", the AI ​​intelligent correction will conduct overall analysis from multiple dimensions such as expression and content. Essence The teacher not only reduces the burden of review, but also improves accuracy for subsequent counseling.

Use digital technology to make cities from "governance" to "intellectuality"

The reporter learned that since this year, Jinshui District has established an advantage in the advancement of digital economy and digital governance, benchmarking digital reforms nationwide, implementing digital reforms, improving top -level design, and deepening digital reform as the "key move" for promoting high -quality development. With digital urban management, emergency command, two letter boxes and one hotline, smart elevators, smart epidemic prevention, science and technology industry, smart education and other hardcore multi -crossing scenarios applications continued to optimize, the beautiful life of the masses and enterprises in the jurisdiction is second. Light.

"The" Zhizhi Jinshui "city brain center platform that we build can allow residents to enjoy accurate and efficient grassroots services, thereby effectively enhancing their sense of happiness and gain." Zhang Hongwei, secretary of the Jinshui District Committee, said, "We are speeding up 'numbers The government 'construction is before the construction of' industrial digitalization and digital industrialization ', and demonstrates the level of intelligence intelligence. Zhongdang Pioneer does an example. To promote the construction of a grid -based grass -roots governance system with a strong promotion of 'party building leadership, multi -grid integration, and a comprehensive managed pipe, consolidate the data foundation of the Jinshui City brain platform, and accelerate the promotion of government affairs networks, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of the Internet. Net melting one ', starting the "Innovation Smart City • Quality Golden Water' Urban brand, build a" digital base '. "

Promoting the digital "infrastructure" is inspiring the new vitality of the city

In the smart city area, the data is advanced. The reporter learned that the Jinshui District continued to improve the six element databases of "people, land, things, things, affairs, and organization", focusing on multiple scenarios in different fields, and continuously iterating and upgrading the district -level integrated intelligenceization Public data platform. Relying on the support of the platform, vigorously promote the accelerated integration of "cloud, network, and end" to achieve clouds in the region's government affairs system; realize the full amount of data, apply for "return" data to the province and cities vertically, and collect horizontally from all departments and street data in the region ; Accelerate the co -construction and sharing of resources to achieve "one ledger management and one -stop viewing" of data resources. At present, 5 streets and 23 communities such as Fengqing Road are selected first to try first, establish information collection catalog and standard collection standards. 752065 places name information have been collected, 106 event information, 16113 items, social sentiment and public opinion information 107 Class and organization information 212867, which provides rich data support for precise and efficient governance.

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